Conspiracy Theories Anyone?

PIV Bassman

Apr 17, 2001
Here and There in Melbourne
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I don't know if any of you are into this kind of stuff, but I have been reading a very interesting book called The Bigest Secret which I stumbled across...... it's by a guy named David Icke, he has a site at - if you are interested in this kind of thing it is worth a look. Either he is the most paranoid nutter ever or the world is a very different place to what we are led to believe.

This guy ties together The Illuminati, Freemasons, Extra Terrestrials, the New World Order, Religion, Politics, Banking and The United Nations among many other things and does it in a very believable manner..... though some of his theories are pretty out there so was the idea that the earth was round once ;)

Make up your own mind... food for thought anyway.
I love conspiracy theory stuff! Its always good to think life is a little more interesting that the crap we get dished every day :D
Yes, but you're a very silly man :)

A friend of mine, who we will call Marcel (cos that's his fricken name), is a conspiracy nut, and has even developed a flash-based magazine (which ppl download), full of articles and resources on such things as milk and how it's bad for you, AIDS vaccines, and various other gubbins - very interesting to read!

Not sure if he's made it live just yet, though :)
Seems you're a bit of a sceptic, Goreripper. I had a look at your page there and I have to agree that almost all of the people mentioned are without doubt misguided and probably have some serious mental issues.... and I also agree that David Icke has more credibility than any of these other loonies.
Just out of curiosity, have you read any of his books?
I have read about half of the book I mentioned earlier and he has some convincing arguments which sound frighteningly plausible - I am keeping an open mind on some of it whilst maintaining a healthy degree of scepticism on the rest.
The purpose of my post was merely to see what other peoples' opinions were on such matters. If nothing else David Icke presents a very interesting and (in some ways) believable alternate reality. If it's all bullshit I can't see how it is harmful or dangerous.
I am still yet to see any shape shifting aliens, but I am keeping my eyes open and watching John Howard and George W. Bush very closely every time they are on tv ;)
Glad to read you're keeping an open mind, Bassman. Actually, skepticism and keeping an open mind is essentially the same thing. In a nutshell, skepticism is analysing the evidence, or lack of evidence, and coming to an informed and educated conclusion based on that evidence. It's also about being able to admit there are other possibilities beyond your own beliefs.

As for how it could be dangerous, I suppose it's up to one's own interpretation. David Icke's works are paranoid delusional flights of fantasy that are presented as fact. Imagine if this fellow had his own TV show, and gathered himself a large cult of dedicated followers who were determined to prove that all world leaders were morally corrupt, extra-terrestrial reptilian shape-changers. It sounds silly, but so is the idea of a Jesus-piloted UFO hiding in the tail of a comet, and yet people believed it enough that they gassed themselves to death.

I haven't read any of Icke's work outside of his website. That was enough for me, but I have read David Irving, the British historian who claims that the Holocaust is a lie. You would have to agree with me that this particular line of thinking is incredibly dangerous indeed.

Originally posted by Goreripper

I haven't read any of Icke's work outside of his website. That was enough for me, but I have read David Irving, the British historian who claims that the Holocaust is a lie. You would have to agree with me that this particular line of thinking is incredibly dangerous indeed.

I haven't read any of David Irving's work but suggesting the holocaust didn't happen is pretty bloody stupid in my opinion and you would certainly have to question the motivation and background of this guy.

As for David Icke I would recommend his books to anyone simply because they are well written and do have some very interesting and valid material, even if some of it is stretching my credibility.

Whether we like it or not, the so called 'New World Order' conspiracy theorists have been warning us about for years now is undeniably being put in place. Of course it is all done under the guise of making life easier / safer / more organised for everyone. Just out of curiosity, how would you personally feel about being tagged with a microchip, so that anywhere, any time you could be located by authorities? I don't like the idea at all. It's all a bit 1984 for my liking....

Check this link out:

Some would say that there is no such thing as coincidence and I tend to agree.