You're all generally so proud of how open your minds are anyway
Seriously though, you can always find excuses for what you do/don't
want to believe. One person looks at a implanted chip with all your info on it and goes "mark of the beast". Someone else says "natural progression of technology". My personal opinion is they are
both right.
I do like how knee-jerk anti conspirists claim lack of evidence. Lets look at the definition of conspiracy:
Main Entry: con·spir·a·cy
Pronunciation: \kən-ˈspir-ə-sē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural con·spir·a·cies
Etymology: Middle English conspiracie, from Latin conspirare
Date: 14th century
1: the act of conspiring together
2 a: an agreement among conspirators b: a group of conspirators
Main Entry: con·spire
Pronunciation: \kən-ˈspī(-ə
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): con·spired; con·spir·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French conspirer, from Latin conspirare to be in harmony, conspire, from com- + spirare to breathe
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
: plot , contrive
intransitive verb
1 a: to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement <accused of conspiring to overthrow the government> b: scheme
2: to act in harmony toward a common end <circumstances conspired to defeat his efforts>
Serect Agreements. The whole point of a conspiracy is lack of evidence (duh). Ironically much of what is labeled a "conspiracy" is being done with any attempt to make it secret, just done without mainstream media coverage. Since most Americans are too attention deficient to pay attention to anything longer than a 5 second news blurb, it isn't too hard to keep the populace in the dark while putting the information in plain view for anyone who
wants it.
Things like NASCO and the SPP lead one to believe that a NAU is clearly an aim by those in power, and when combined with the EU, one merely has to look at the economic region arrangement suggestions by various councils like the Club of Rome or the CFR etc to start connecting dots.
All of this will be sold as not only necessery, but beneficial.