Conspiracy Theories

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Actually I was more thinking about how the world seems like it could be ready to head towards things that sound a lot like the way I have heard some aspects of the end times described.

But a lot of biblical scholars are pointing to a lot of what has actually happened and making possible connections to biblical prophecy of the end times. A lot of things that revolve around the nation of Israel, especially since their rebirth as a nation.

Truthfully I am not much of an expert on eschatology or biblical prophecy at all.

It's pretty easy for Biblical scholars to point to a handful of events as coinciding with the Bible's predictions when they conveniently avoid all the events which glaringly contradict the Bible. I could pull a story out of my ass which vaguely correlates to reality as well, and use those correlations to warn people in the same way that some calamitous predictions of mine are going to come true, despite how illogical my story is. That doesn't mean anyone should be taking my story seriously, though.

So, if things in this world do start seeming to follow what an ancient book says would happen, you will just... what? I am not asking anyone to go become a Christian or to believe what I believe. I am just saying to keep an open mind. You're all generally so proud of how open your minds are anyway. But if things start aligning with what a book written thousands of years ago said would happen, it seems there might be reason to take note. I am speaking purely in a logical sense.

People have been predicting the end of the world for thousands of years, and none of those predictions have come true - despite the fact that many of them (including those of some sects of Christianity) have had set deadlines which have already transpired. Since when is it logical for anyone to take all of those seriously? That's called gullibility. And if you somehow think the Bible warrants some special distinction from all these other hoaxes (which you undoubtedly do), then good luck finding any evidence for that.
I find it interesting how many laugh at the idea of any conspiracy, yet history is loaded with proven conspiracies. One would laugh at the idea of the government doing experiments on it's own people, yet MKULTRA actually happened.

To be logical is to know that you do not know everything and that dismissing conspiracy theories as stupid without research is the same as blindly believing in one simply because one wants to; for example I think most would agree that there were many things not right about 9/11. Lies were probably told. This is does NOT necessarily mean that the official story is a complete lie, but some things are possible. Why must everyone be an expert?
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