Conspiracy Theory's

Welcome to old, the show has been around forever. More recently has it began gaining popularity. I wish it wouldn't to some degree, the fear mongering that goes in with popular conspiracy theorists (particularly Alex Jones) tends to make rational people ignore all information in regard of conspiracy, including more useful information that people should know.
My fave current conspiracy theory is "NSGuitar and the missing drummer"

hahahahahaha That picture is hilarious.

About the TV show. I had no idea it's been around for a while. I don't watch TV. Just happen to come across the website via facebook.
Alex Jones is a cunt but his films are really quite informative once you get past his conservative veneer of bullshit.
Alex Jones is a cunt but his films are really quite informative once you get past his conservative veneer of bullshit.

exactly, lots of good and useful information once you cypher out all of his christian conservative biased opinion and fear mongering. But its the fact that we have to sort it out, some people just don't care and think that everything he says or does is completely "looney".


I say go Peter joseph! tho its not conapiracy related

In reality he is no better than Alex Jones, his vision of what worldwide society should be like is nothing but delusional fantasy that could only some to fruiting from a massive brainwashing occult, and he seems like the type.

Don't believe me, just check out The Venus Project, for those who haven't seen Addendum.
exactly, lots of good and useful information once you cypher out all of his christian conservative biased opinion and fear mongering. But its the fact that we have to sort it out, some people just don't care and think that everything he says or does is completely "looney".

In reality he is no better than Alex Jones, his vision of what worldwide society should be like is nothing but delusional fantasy that could only some to fruiting from a massive brainwashing occult, and he seems like the type.

Don't believe me, just check out The Venus Project, for those who haven't seen Addendum.

Ive looked deep into both InfoWars and The Zeitgeist Movement.

Alex does a hell of a job putting pressure on corrupt politicians and putting light on secret societies even tho he tend to scare me with scary info.

The Addendum film states scources of problems and human conditioning instead of the ''We agains them'' Alex thing. The venus project is not something that is going to happen over night. I'ts pretty clear. thats why Tzm was made in the first place. To get people to understand how the world works and how its unexceptable. Also putting light on how it ''could'' be

The venus project made me suspicious at first to.

I think they both are great. It seems like people get afraid and missunderstand these things. These people just want people to pay attention and beaware
When I was younger I highly endorsed everything both Peter Joseph (and The Venus Project) and Alex Jones said, even as far as believing all the conspiracy theories that each person had. It wasn't until I watched/listened to the 2 hour segment on Jone's talk show with Joseph's movie Addendum that they are both idiots, although their hearts are in the right place, or so I would hope.

Jones tries to say things along the lines of, big bankers and our political representatives are planning on a one world dictatorship government, which is somewhat true. Some of Jone's guest in some of his movies have come out in later interviews to say (and people who are constantly tracking leaked information including the Bilderberg group) to say that our nation is conspiring for a one world commerce, to capitalize on big business to make it bigger, so those investing in said businesses make more money. In his execution, Jones tends to make the situation way more slanted than it really is. There is no lie among the big business sector of our government pumping money into the middle east, and turning a blind eye to let the 9/11 attacks take place, and there was a large cover up in the media. The later events of war would lead to certain information to fall in the hands of Dennis Kucinich, where he would use the evidence for charging files against Bush and Cheney for "War Crimes" and as a plea to reopen the 9/11 investigation. He was later threatened to drop the charges and was bribed by Nancy Pelosi that if he dropped the charges, she would ensure his reelection on the premises that "impeachment is not in their 'Agenda'". All that proves is that there is a large number of officials that have special interest for big businesses, and have committed crimes that they don't want publicly known, instead Jones would rather go on about how all out elected officials are Satan/Pagan worshiping secret society Freemason/Illuminati cultist nut jobs that are trying to conspire us into a new world order to force us all to live in totalitarian and third world conditions as if we are Jews during WWII. Unfortunately through his slanted opinions, a lot of VERY useful information is ignored by a lot of people, including things that are very true and very relevant. He has even threatened to assault minors who although support him, have some differences in opinions regarding certain topics, and these threats took place when the other person actually had the maturity to try to talk it out with him in an intellectual debate something I have not seen him do ever. If you disagree or don;t fully support all of his ideals, then he screams at you, gets violent threatens to get physical. Hes a complete hot head, and a dangerous, slanted one at that. Most of this paragraph actually is topics mostly in the movie Fahrenheit 9/11, but oh well, it still proves my criticism about Jones.

Joesph is the polar opposite, but still at an extreme. In Addendum he shows to have a very good understanding go the monetary system as it stands. However he as well as TVP fail to understand that you can never get rid of the monetary system, you cannot "educate" every living human on the planet to be a selfless, law abiding, productive member of society where we are capable of governing ourselves (Anarchy). If you were to educated every person on the planet to never fight or do anything that society doesn't like, and the "education was completely successful without anyone making a fuss about it, well thats not education, thats called brainwashing. This Anarchy, non monetary system where everything is free, everything belongs to everyone and we are required to be a part of a contributing society is not only communism, brainwashing and just flat our wrong, but a complete fantasy to even believe that anything of type would and could actually happen and would work. Some of his highly sited works for his segment on the end of the world 2012 was only later proven as an internet hoax, yea thats right, one of the most scientifically plausible scenarios for 2012 where made up just to scare people by someone extremely sadistic and wanting 15 minutes of fame.

I still recommend both Jones's and Joseph's movies to anyone interested, especially "The Obama Deception", which for the most part, has much less slanting from Jones that is the norm.

Actually here are some Articles that I picked up not too long ago

I take everything with a grain of salt, whether it be from conspiracy theorist or politicians/media, you can't blindly follow any of them, you have to criticizes and correct and form opinions from more reliable sources of information. I highly enjoy and endorse the movies of Jones, Moore, and Joseph, but I still filter out their opinions from actual useful facts.
When I was younger I highly endorsed everything both Peter Joseph (and The Venus Project) and Alex Jones said, even as far as believing all the conspiracy theories that each person had. It wasn't until I watched/listened to the 2 hour segment on Jone's talk show with Joseph's movie Addendum that they are both idiots, although their hearts are in the right place, or so I would hope.

Jones tries to say things along the lines of, big bankers and our political representatives are planning on a one world dictatorship government, which is somewhat true. Some of Jone's guest in some of his movies have come out in later interviews to say (and people who are constantly tracking leaked information including the Bilderberg group) to say that our nation is conspiring for a one world commerce, to capitalize on big business to make it bigger, so those investing in said businesses make more money. In his execution, Jones tends to make the situation way more slanted than it really is. There is no lie among the big business sector of our government pumping money into the middle east, and turning a blind eye to let the 9/11 attacks take place, and there was a large cover up in the media. The later events of war would lead to certain information to fall in the hands of Dennis Kucinich, where he would use the evidence for charging files against Bush and Cheney for "War Crimes" and as a plea to reopen the 9/11 investigation. He was later threatened to drop the charges and was bribed by Nancy Pelosi that if he dropped the charges, she would ensure his reelection on the premises that "impeachment is not in their 'Agenda'". All that proves is that there is a large number of officials that have special interest for big businesses, and have committed crimes that they don't want publicly known, instead Jones would rather go on about how all out elected officials are Satan/Pagan worshiping secret society Freemason/Illuminati cultist nut jobs that are trying to conspire us into a new world order to force us all to live in totalitarian and third world conditions as if we are Jews during WWII. Unfortunately through his slanted opinions, a lot of VERY useful information is ignored by a lot of people, including things that are very true and very relevant. He has even threatened to assault minors who although support him, have some differences in opinions regarding certain topics, and these threats took place when the other person actually had the maturity to try to talk it out with him in an intellectual debate something I have not seen him do ever. If you disagree or don;t fully support all of his ideals, then he screams at you, gets violent threatens to get physical. Hes a complete hot head, and a dangerous, slanted one at that. Most of this paragraph actually is topics mostly in the movie Fahrenheit 9/11, but oh well, it still proves my criticism about Jones.

Joesph is the polar opposite, but still at an extreme. In Addendum he shows to have a very good understanding go the monetary system as it stands. However he as well as TVP fail to understand that you can never get rid of the monetary system, you cannot "educate" every living human on the planet to be a selfless, law abiding, productive member of society where we are capable of governing ourselves (Anarchy). If you were to educated every person on the planet to never fight or do anything that society doesn't like, and the "education was completely successful without anyone making a fuss about it, well thats not education, thats called brainwashing. This Anarchy, non monetary system where everything is free, everything belongs to everyone and we are required to be a part of a contributing society is not only communism, brainwashing and just flat our wrong, but a complete fantasy to even believe that anything of type would and could actually happen and would work. Some of his highly sited works for his segment on the end of the world 2012 was only later proven as an internet hoax, yea thats right, one of the most scientifically plausible scenarios for 2012 where made up just to scare people by someone extremely sadistic and wanting 15 minutes of fame.

I still recommend both Jones's and Joseph's movies to anyone interested, especially "The Obama Deception", which for the most part, has much less slanting from Jones that is the norm.

Actually here are some Articles that I picked up not too long ago

I take everything with a grain of salt, whether it be from conspiracy theorist or politicians/media, you can't blindly follow any of them, you have to criticizes and correct and form opinions from more reliable sources of information. I highly enjoy and endorse the movies of Jones, Moore, and Joseph, but I still filter out their opinions from actual useful facts.


Both made me aware of things that were distorted. I dont want to argue about TVP because if people dont want that then it shouldnt and will not be.

I'ts an interesting debate but i belive both Alex and Peter aren't going to seed occults however. i'ts not like Scientology
TVP make the right claim that sometime has a change, but is too naive to think that there can be a perfect system of "world peace" without any monetary system. They bring the great argument that we need to do something about the current system, but I rather think that we should value resources based on their scarcity over the monetary system which means that the dollar or whatever currency does not inflate or deflate but directly correlates to the value of the resource letting supply and demand control the value of the resource and not the other way around. With that in mind worldwide commerce has to be a pure free market without any governing bodies intervening. And with than in mind it should be a mandatory law that political officials are not legally entitled to own businesses as to prevent decisions such as bailouts from being possible because current officials want to protect their assets. To sever off the connections between wall street and capital hill as well as the same for other countries would prevent decisions being made based on business.

While it still wouldn't be perfect, the system would have better stability without our governments wasteful spending to reward big business for failure and also rewarding the people who take on more than they can financially balance. Either way you cannot completely delete the need for a monetary system, as allocating resources based on their scarcity is well, a form of monetary. That and you cannot educate every person on this planet to stop begin criminals, murderers, child molesters, and to never get into physical altercations due to disagreements, it just will never happen, nor will you get people to agree about religion, as the fight and debate and subsequent wars that take place between countries over religion will never stop.

So while I support TVP's call to reform our lifestyles, they really need to get realistic with their plans as to how exactly the reformed system will operate. Keyword, reform, not completely redesign from the ground up I might add.