constructive rewiev for my mix required


New Metal Member
Aug 16, 2011
Hi all,

Currently I stuck a little bit in the pre-production of my bands first full length album. Our target is to record the album in spring 2012. Therefor we record every new song in our studio. Just to get a feeling on how the song actually sounds. We use the pre production also to get better in recording.
We just finished recording the fourth song. In my opinion, its the best record we've made so far. But its still not what we want.

I think:
- The drum sounds pretty good (except of the to harsh cymbals). The kick and the snare is triggered (steven slate drums), the rest (toms and cymbals) were recorded in our studio.

- The bass sounds not as it should in my opinion, but this is because of the amp

- The guitars sounds also not as they should. The amp we used was a Krankenstein with a Marshall cab. We recorded with a Audix I5 and a Sennheiser e 609. But even if we double the guitar tracks on both sides, I don't get a brighter sound (the mics are in phase). The guitar we used was a Gibson SG (of course with new strings). I think we have two problems here: We dont't get the right sound out of the amp and we don't know how to mix the guitar. When we record guitar, we add a high pass filter (at around 80 - 90 Hz.) and a slight depression at around 800 Hz. After this we add a slight compression.

- The vocals are ok, in my opinion.

please find the record at:

My question now is:

- What do you think about the record?
- What do you think about the song itself? (does the production match to the song?)
- My target is to get more signal depth, precise localization and a cleaner stereo image. Do you have some ideas how I can reach this target?
We recorded in Cubase. There we used a effect channel with a hall plugin (insert effect on the effect channel). For every instrument (drum, bass, guitar, vocals) I sent a bit of the signal to the hall effect channel. So I get something like "deeper recordings". To get this, I sent a bit more drums as guitars and vocals for example, to the effect channel.

Sorry for my bad English. I hope my explanation above is clear enough to understand what I want.

Thanks to all of you for critique, tips and tricks.
