Contentious Saxon Chronicles review


May 22, 2003
Nottingham, UK
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Lo and behold, while I was under the impression that the Saxon Chronicles DVD was largely well-received (and even generously reviewed by the nu-metal bastion that is Kerrang), it seems that not everyone appreciated it.

The following is perhaps the most harsh review of any Saxon product I have ever seen. Its author sees both Saxon and the metal genre in general as a total blast from the past which he for one would rather avoid.

Why include it here? Well, it made me laugh is the main reason. To see something so biased and blinkered was actually quite amusing, read it and I think you'll know what I mean. And it certainly didn't change my opinion -- I love the DVD!

mmurnau said:
Lo and behold, while I was under the impression that the Saxon Chronicles DVD was largely well-received (and even generously reviewed by the nu-metal bastion that is Kerrang), it seems that not everyone appreciated it.

The following is perhaps the most harsh review of any Saxon product I have ever seen. Its author sees both Saxon and the metal genre in general as a total blast from the past which he for one would rather avoid.

Why include it here? Well, it made me laugh is the main reason. To see something so biased and blinkered was actually quite amusing, read it and I think you'll know what I mean. And it certainly didn't change my opinion -- I love the DVD!


I believe Biff released this DVD for all Saxon fans,so I guess this idiot did miss the point.
To me a Saxon fan since the early 80's the DVD brought back lots of cool memories and gave me a chance to see stuff that us fans here in the States never had a chance to see.
Biff, i hope you keep creating great music for another 20 years,and i will be a fan and go to your concerts even if they bring you out in a wheelchair.
to you mr.critic a big.... FUCK OFF!!!!!!
Hey I'm in agreement with all about how good the DVD is but we have to also remember that we are all in titled to are own opinions even if it does have a tendency to come from ones backside.

mmurnau said:
Lo and behold, while I was under the impression that the Saxon Chronicles DVD was largely well-received (and even generously reviewed by the nu-metal bastion that is Kerrang), it seems that not everyone appreciated it.

The following is perhaps the most harsh review of any Saxon product I have ever seen. Its author sees both Saxon and the metal genre in general as a total blast from the past which he for one would rather avoid.

Why include it here? Well, it made me laugh is the main reason. To see something so biased and blinkered was actually quite amusing, read it and I think you'll know what I mean. And it certainly didn't change my opinion -- I love the DVD!

A stupid pointless review from someone who indeed missed the point (as he said he might be criticised of if slagging off the DVD). My verdict on the judge is that he is a total tosspot who talks total b*****ks. Not just for his review of the DVD, but also for his total lack of knowledge of Heavy Metal and it's fans.
Well, I finally got myself the EMI release of Live Innocence and Power And The Glory Video Anthology DVD. It proves what I'd thought all along, that the 2nd DVD in Chronicles is indeed crap. Not so much the content, but the quality. It's great to see those old interviews and stuff, but the music video clips are horrible quality, my old VHS copy of the 'Anthology' is better. Seems that perhaps Biff had them taken from some old VHS (or dare I say Beta) tapes of his own. The Chronicles concert DVD is good quality, but if you want a properly done, quality version of video clips then get the EMI release DVD.

I heard EMI is pissed about the Chronicles because of this and licencing issues, anyone else hear that?
When I watched the Chronicles disc 2 I was originally quite concerned about the poor video quality of the music videos because I thought maybe those were the best copies that still existed. Hence I was quite pleased when I bought the EMI DVD, although I think the Live Innocence concert is quite strange (for the setlist if nothing else).

Anyway, it strikes me that the only Saxon videos which are of acceptable quality for TV now are those for the later 80s stuff where sometimes the actual song is relatively weak. Perhaps it would be a good idea to get new videos done for early 80s stuff like Wheels of Steel, 747, Crusader, Power and the Glory, etc. like Maiden did with that animation studio. Stations like Scuzz TV seem to be playing a lot of old metal nowadays (Judas Priest seems to be on every five minutes) so maybe Saxon could get on here? Would be good for publicity.
what a load of bollocks about saxons dvd review i have just read well im sure the person that wrote the review was chris watts ex kerrang dip stick cause he used to write crap reviews about saxon all the time and this guy i dont no really must be his brother or someone.

The dvd at wacken i thought was spot on and something that us saxon fans have been craving for a long time and here is hopeing for many more.

I no bands cant go on forever but saxon really deserve to have a 30 year career were only five years away now and i think they should do that not just for us fans but for themselves as well at least another 3 studio albums please and anything after that would be a real bonus keep them wheels of steel rollin saxon cause we love ya music and its a massive part of my life i think that would go for thousands of offer saxon fans as well magic. :)
When Saxon played Leicester in about 91 Biff was itroducing a song about the fact that the band are still rocking.He said this ones for all the people who have put us down.I shouted like Chriss Watts and Biff pissed himself laughing.It was the highlight of apoor gig.Saxon played fantastic but anything after Crusader was greeted with a polite cheer.As for me well I was rocking on me own for most the night.Don't think Saxon have played Leicester since.
Nah its small.About 300 people tops,the sound is always shit,yhe beer is shit but you get to see loads of good bands.Why do you ask,Saxon have never played there have they?(please say no).
i only asked coz ive often seen adverts for bands playing their, didnt know it was that small though. To my knowledge i dont think saxon have ever played their....or have they?
Its a great place Macc .I have seen loads of bands there its a great place.I think its best suited to the dirtier side of rock n roll.Punk and rockabilly are always good nights.Dance and hip hop sound shite because the bass just seems to drown out everything.