Converter/interface, only line-level...

Norsk Metall

New Metal Member
Jan 13, 2008
Norway, up north.
Hi !

Found an API 3124 on eBay. So, ....
Wich interface should I get next to get it digitalized ?
Suggestions ? I dont really need an interface with preamps then, since I will feed it right in from the API. Or only a converter ? (Apogee).

I am thinking about Mackie 400F, or Mackie 800R, maybe Focusrite Saffire 26IO.

What do you guys use for converting/interfacing/firewire (to computer)? That preserves or not affects your delicate and expensive signals from Neves and UAudio ? Or maybe you dont need anything up-market , as the level fed out from the preamps are strong enough and does not need any top-notch phantom powering ?


Definitely RME Fireface 400 I'd say - great converters, definitely better than the Saffire, and the Mackie 400F doesn't have ADAT inputs, so your limited to only 10 inputs period (whereas with ADAT & SPDIF on the Fireface you can get at least 18 if not more)
???? You are using RME 400......i didnt know that, thats exactly what im looking to upgrade too....How is it? i have been stessing whether to get the 400 or 800....i dont really need the 800. but i have read some mixed reviews about the using a M-audio Delta 44 right now, so upgrading to RME is gonna be big for me.....
Definitely RME Fireface 400 I'd say - great converters, definitely better than the Saffire, and the Mackie 400F doesn't have ADAT inputs, so your limited to only 10 inputs period (whereas with ADAT & SPDIF on the Fireface you can get at least 18 if not more)
I actually don't have the FF400 yet, but I've been dreaming about it for months now and am finally going to snag one soon after my paid internship starts next Tuesday, so I'll let you know! That being said, I've actually read that if anything the 400 is better than the 800 because of more compatible drivers, but beyond that, they're really exactly the same, except that the FF800 has two more analog ins (10 rather than 8) and two extra preamps - but I figure the $500 I save by getting the FF400 would get me a pair of preamps that'd be way better than the two extra mediocre pres in the FF800 anyway. So that's my vote!
Also what would you do about a Fire wire Card?
like i know most motherboards come with a 1394port i guess its called

but i cant imagine it being worth anything, especially if you are gonna go all out with a firewire interface , i want to make sure what im plugging it into is of high quality

and suggestions? or does it even really matter
The quality of the Firewire (AKA 1394) chipset definitely makes a big difference in performance - I'm not certain as to what would be best (maybe someone else could chime in), but whatever it is, it's probably available as a PCI card (if your on a desktop) or PCMCIA card (if your on a laptop) that'll have a few ports

I'm gonna be picking up a Rain Recording Livebook soon that I know has the best chipset (some Texas Instruments) cuz that's what they're geared towards, so that takes care of the worry for me! :D
Haha, yeah, I actually find the laptops to be much more reasonably priced than the desktops - I'm only going for a pre-made comp (the $1900 Livebook) because I want a laptop (which is kinda hard to build yourself), but if I were going desktop I'd just have one of the people here (like good ol' JBroll) spec one out for me and put it all together myself
...such as? The big no-no for me is the warranty length, only 1 year, right?

Such as a 2.4Ghz processor and an HDD twice the size, with the same amount of RAM, same graphics card, higher screen resolution, FW400 and 800 ports instead of some ghetto 4 pin and having to use up an expresscard slot on FW ports when you could be running a card for SATA ports instead.

That's not to mention how goddamn sleek and well designed the MBPs are, and completely leaving out the fact that it natively runs OS X and can still run XP, and will probably run XP better that beast of a laptop you're looking at. Those things are hideous and way clunky looking! They're what, like 2 inches at the thickest point? That's insane!

The warranty is only 1year, yeah, but thats if you don't buy AppleCare. You can buy that at any time in your initial 1year warranty, and it extends it to 3 years.

So, after warranty, you'll be paying maybe 200-300 (w/student discount, which you don't even have to be a student for) more than the Livebook, but you get a machine that's better all around.
Fucker! I told you not to lay the Murphy bait until I had the trap set up! We had a fucking plan going, and now you just look like an Apple whore!


Oh, wait, you are an Apple whore. Nevermind.
