Convincing Revalver III tone yet or no?


Jan 31, 2006
Here's another shot at Revalver III I made before sleepy time. This time I did not use a tubescreamer and I used the 6505+ into the stock cabinet impulse called Vintage 4x12. Its the first impulse listed on the bottom. I cranked the treble and bass on the cab IR all the way up. I used curve eq for post processing. I really tried to get some convincing cabinet thud on this one to make it sound more real.

Chain: Ibanez S with JB > DOD direct box > RevIII 6505+ (input voltage .250)
I really liked your previous clip because it sounded so natural, this one sounds kinda like a distortion pedal. I think you should blend the 6505 with the JSX because it sounds and responds more lieke a real amp.