
New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Written by Yury Arkadin (ex-Unrestrained!, etc), this is the best underground publication that I know of for people who like black metal, pagan/folk metal and neo-folk. This new issue features interviews with Aarni, Akitsa, Bergthron, Helrunar, Kampfar, Moontower, Nasheim, :Of the Wand and the Moon:, Stille Volk, Trollskogen, Ulfsdalir & Vàli plus a bunch of articles and reviews I haven't gotten round to looking at a lot yet. Anyway, I SUGGEST YOU GET IT. Trust me on this.
that name makes no sense at all. a contradiction in terms. an oxymoron.


Fond of feasting, drinking, and good company; sociable.
Merry; festive: a convivial atmosphere at the reunion.


A person who has withdrawn from society and lives a solitary existence; a recluse.
A spiced cookie made with molasses, raisins, and nuts.
Yeah! #1 is the best compendium of underground testimony ever published (Dev, your stamp on this statement?). Since it consisted mainly of old material assembled through the years, I'm curious to read how he has coped with more topical stuff.

Amazing someone should know about this... I thought he sold like 0 copy of #1 :p
Pretty good . Superior to most of the actual magazines' interviews , not to mention the reviews done with passion. Maybe I'll get it..
Read the zine yesterday and it was very good, not just the typical questions.

And Erik finally said this public, Nasheim/Angantyr split 12" is coming...
Erik said:
I didn't think CH would come out this early :p

Those were my thoughts when I saw this on the paper. I thought Torsten will be pissed when he finds out, since he said this is still a secret :grin:
Shit happens. When I wrote the interview answers, the date for the split was April, so...

Anyway, no need to spread it all over the Internet and so forth
Erik said:
Shit happens. When I wrote the interview answers, the date for the split was April, so...

Anyway, no need to spread it all over the Internet and so forth

Yeah, but who cares, it's not like you've revealed somekind of big mystery. :)

BTW Erik, I PM'd you sometime ago about a trade...