Could someone (Erik maybe) post the Vàli-homepage address, that's on the zine.
My zine is on my girlfriends appartment so I can't check it out myself.
lizard said:

Fond of feasting, drinking, and good company; sociable.
Merry; festive: a convivial atmosphere at the reunion.

This is now my favorite word. And maybe a future tattoo =) (not on a part of the body as aparent as my arms, I mean, who would EVER write words THERE??)
My zine is on my girlfriends appartment

Need a ladder Mikko?

Anyway, time for a pathetic promotional stunt: work on issue #7 is slowly gathering speed, release is expected in the early months of 2014… In the meantime copies of the glorious #6 are still waiting for those who missed out. Copies for European readers ship from Europe, hence lower postage.

Show us love :)

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For anyone still caring...


expected in the heat of the summer of love...