Dude, that's pretty funny right there. I love the "turning abyss" - or what was it called - for the raspberries, haha. Now, I do like a bit of cooking, but I don't think shopping black metal style is my cup of tea. There's too much running involved, hahaha! The bit where they came from behind the wall was pretty fuckin' hilarious.
matt schrauben said:
i made hamburger last night, it was so kvlt
Dude, I cooked up hamburgers for the entire family yesterday. They were made out of nice bio cows, ha! By which I don't mean to freak you out, Pale-Folklore. I was putting the stress on the bio factor more than on the cow factor, let's say. We had bio tomatoes with them if it's of any comfort to you. ;)
matt schrauben said:
Your damn right you aren't trying to outdo me because i am so more kvlt than you :lol:
Gnagna, I can live with that. Experience with the early nineties black metal scene taught me people who call themselves true or cult are most likely like those midlife crisis fellas driving a sports cabrio in an attempt to prove there really is nothing wrong with their testosterone level. :p

But really, I'm just kidding. :D
Haha that was hilarious. I especially love the "cross the barren wastelands... to get to the other side of the garden" thing, haha