Hilarious tongue in cheek black metal videos

nah, dont like it..

only watched the first one (partly), ive got little time on zis pc here, but it just seemed like a stereotypical shitness thing...

..its better if it was made by actual black metal fans, if not its taking the piss.. but still, if it was made by BM fans, its still gay 'cuz chavs will see it and it will back up their stereotypical view on black metal.. in the way its called 'Black Metal', and says 'Black metal video executed to perfection'...

(all refering to the very first vid in the thread)
Blackthrone had their momment and time in my life... then I realized that making a parody of something I truly enjoy and respect isn't something I want to participate in. I don't want to boycott them, or their record label, hell some of the other releases on the label are decent, just... not my thing anymore.
Now I'm a huge fan of black metal but recently poeple are posting videos of themselves running through parks scaring people in full corpse paint, spikes etc. This is some of the funniest shit ever.

check out this fat Cartman looking kid in this one
Black metal - Google Video

Here is another funny one by AIDS "Rise of the Devil". Awesome drumset
A.I.D.S. - Rise Of The Devil - Google Video

And here is the original. The one that strated it all.I think they were trying to be serious though. Immortal - Call of the Wintermoon - Google Video
They're not very funny.:p