Originally posted by tanist
I just want anybody who have a band that there's Heimrich Artwork Design that does killer cover artworks...


...oh.. the question was... Who is the best cover artowrk designer??
Is this guy kidding us?

Siren ( :Spam: )
Very good analogy, Phyre.:)
phyre, and who will send me the money when I start it???

you know, since I had so much trouble when I didn't forward that mail which said that my life would be horrible if I didn't forward the little bastard to 10 people in less than 10 secs...I've started to believe in such stuff....
by now, just forwarding emails I've saved 2 little child, a couple of monkeys, 1 five legged rhino, an albino tiger and five dead hedgehogs, which wouldn't have gone to Heaven if I hadn't forward the emails...

fathervic (FW: ;) )
If anyone reads phyre's post (yeah yeah the BIG one) tell so and give a summary too...

Siren (wondering if anyone will read that thing and why :p)
Sadly, I've read it before... but only while I was bored and reading the Urban Legends database. :p

The basic concept of that garbage post/e-mail (which someone once posted on the chat board) is to post it in as many places as possible in hopes people will send you money by sending cash to the addresses listed on there... or something like that. I was never good at explaining stuff. :p

Anyways the details of the story are listed here except now it's a post and not an e-mail. The site also has info about almost all e-mail hoaxes too if you need it...

Originally posted by FatherVic

five dead hedgehogs, which wouldn't have gone to Heaven if I hadn't forward the emails...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Those types of e-mail are the most annoying (in my opinion).

The people posted their addresses there... we know where they live... I can go stalk and kill them (if they lived nearby). :D :lol: