Cool atmospheric/cinematic intro i made

dude this is really sick. I like it a a a lot. My only thing is that boomy drum in the beginning is a little overkill. maybe turn it down a bit. Besides that this intro is super rad.
Hehe yeah, i forgot to automate that drum hit in the beginning. Definitely too loud! Anything more that could be improved?
I actually don't think it's too loud, personally. But I'm sort of thinking of it in terms of when I played in orchestra in high school. I just remember when things hit, they hit hard and loud. Right now it seems like it hits forte to me, but if I was gonna make it hit, it should be fortissimo, and it should be a wide sound.
This is the easiest way I can describe it. It should either be quieter, or bigger and harder. I dunno I could see myself going either direction.