Cool Band Names


New Metal Member
May 11, 2002
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This is really stupid of me asking, but ive been trying to come up with it for fucking weeks!!! Does anyone have a cool idea for a Melodic-Death band name. Please tell me this would be great:confused: :confused: :confused:
Crucifying The Motherfucking Scourge of the World Though We're Not Offensive Enough to Really Scare Your Parents So Buy Our Albums and Wear Our Shirts to High School Are You Listening Metal Blade Racords We're Marketable.

thats a good one
theres a punk band from around here called "Never Heard of It" which leads to prett amusing conversations:
Q: Whats that band callled?
A: Never heard of it
Q: Didn't you say you had their albums? So what're they called?
A: Never heard of it. I told you, Never heard of it....

thats an actual conversation between two of my punker friends...