Magicawe Carnivorous Jesus Apr 7, 2002 300 0 16 38 Visit site Apr 14, 2002 #21 I'd give my super ultra awesome band name but i don't want anyone stealing it
Heliologue neologist Jul 1, 2001 7,529 22 38 Apr 14, 2002 #22 i like words that give weird impressions. Asphodel, for instance, seems dark and satanilicious when you first hear it, but it's actually a flower.
i like words that give weird impressions. Asphodel, for instance, seems dark and satanilicious when you first hear it, but it's actually a flower.
Cutter Fuck consensus reality Dec 19, 2001 550 1 18 Sydney Visit site Apr 14, 2002 #23 I've always had a fantasy of naming my band 'Satans Penis'. What am I talking about...I've always had a fantasy about being in a band full stop...
I've always had a fantasy of naming my band 'Satans Penis'. What am I talking about...I've always had a fantasy about being in a band full stop...
Unlit Flames Carpathian Crypt Dec 26, 2001 94 0 6 94 Apr 14, 2002 #24 if you wanna be a rip-off be amorphopeth but seriously First you need Gate in it. and make some jiberish add-on too.
if you wanna be a rip-off be amorphopeth but seriously First you need Gate in it. and make some jiberish add-on too.
Kushantaiidan SPASIBA AX. Sep 30, 2001 15,077 9 38 43 Ballarat, Victoria, Australia Apr 14, 2002 #25 Dark Gate Moons of Xephtah
ricochet ghetto philosopher Jul 7, 2001 6,683 6 38 behind closed eyelids Visit site Apr 14, 2002 #26 How about Hammering Moss? It has a nice ring to it...
Manbient Queer Old Man Jan 12, 2002 9,045 24 38 41 Calgary, AB, Canada Apr 15, 2002 #27 how about Virginal Cataract? or Jaboober Funnel?
Lakestream Member May 1, 2001 1,621 2 38 42 Uppsala, Sweden Visit site Apr 15, 2002 #28 lol@Hearse how about Meatgrinder?
Magicawe Carnivorous Jesus Apr 7, 2002 300 0 16 38 Visit site Apr 15, 2002 #29 how about Kitten Petting Zoo?