Cool Movie with Anthrax score!


F.U.2 Master
Feb 6, 2002
I was renting movies the other night, and I found a previously viewed copy of John Carpenters "Ghost of Mars" which is pretty dam cool! I couldn't resist so I bought it! Anthrax did the score, and it kicks ass! Check it out folks if you haven't already!

Yeah I rented the DVD a couple of months ago. My husband hated it, and I still hear shit whenever we rent videos (i.e. "And don't pick out any stupid shit like that last one..."). I really only got it cause of the "recording the score" or whatever they called it that the DVD has. I'd buy it, but it would DEFINITELY have to be previously viewed, I've taken enough crap for spending $3.79 on the rental. :lol:
My brother rented it a couple of months ago. To me it was ok. The thing about it that annoyed me was the way that the head monster dude screamed.....he sounded retarded.:lol:
That was the worst movir ever. Granted, it was cool seeing heads getting chopped off to Anthrax music, but that was the worst piece of shit ever. Carpenter has been tainting his legacy for years now, he needs to STOP. However, the making of thing makes is a worthy purchase for an anthrax fan
Ouch, well I guess it is kinda bad. Especially for John C. Ice Cube is pretty funny in it though, but it's certainly not up to Carpenter standards. I love most of his movies though. Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from New York, Halloween, Prince of Darkness, and ofcourse, The Thing. I guess I had to add it to my collection, what the hell.

Yea I personally did "not" like it. I thought it was a horrible movie. I only watched it because Anthrax did the score. But who am I to say what is good or bad, I think American Head Charge is a good band.
I remember that one movie Vampires that he did. With James Wood. That movie was not that bad. It started off really good and then half way, it just went all downhill from there.
yes the movie sucked. John Carpenter has sunk to a new low. But I will never give up on him because he has had some badass shit.
If the movie had better special effects and better gore it would have been worth it. My girlie got me the soundtrack for christmas and it was funny to hear Killing Box on it. and it was a great soundtrack. too bad it says it waa written by John Carpenter because that part deffinately wasn't. I guess it would have broke tredition.
:mad: Hello all. I think Carpenter is a great film maker. No one here saw "In the Mouth of Madness"? Possibly his greatest since Halloween or Escape From NY. As for Carpenter taking credit for the music in "Ghosts of Mars", if you watch the credits, it says Music by John Carpenter and ANTHRAX. No one saw "Assault on Precinct 13" either? DAMN!