Cool news about Tim Gaines.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I'm not a fan of Stryper or anything, but I found this piece very interesting.

After 7 years I have been reunited with one of my favorite Stryper basses - a Status Graphite Series 2000. It was custom hand made and painted for me by GMT/Status in England. I ordered the bass sometime in 1987 and it was delivered to me in Feb of 1988. I used this bass on the In God We Trust, Against The Law, & Can't Stop The Rock tours. It was also used to record parts of Against The Law, and SinDizzy He's Not Dead CD.
The bass is made from Woven Carbon Graphite and has perfect tonal qualities.
This baby plugged into a wall of Ampeg SVT's was a dream come true.

I sold the bass to a collector in 1998 and have missed it ever since.
Last week I was alerted that it was up for auction at eBay, and thankfully I was able purchase it back.
Thanks Steve for taking care of it for all of these years. When I opened the case today it was exactly as I had left it... nothing had been touched.
And thank you to a fan named Scott for alerting me to the auction

Imagine something like it happening to you ;)