Cool quote from Aerosmith


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Steve Tyler: I wrote the chorus based on this lick, then I wrote the bridge, melody line... wham! There it was, in one afternoon.
When you get a good chorus, you wanna hang something from it. It's better to end a chorus with something that ends with an "eeee" sound because it sings better that way and it pushes the chorus up thru the roof, thru the clouds. We had "Cruisin' for a ladeee" which lasted for a week. Then we got a sampler of some black comedian making fun of Mr T. which led to a riff about cross-dressing. Then one day we met Motley Crue, and they're all going "Dude! Dude this and Dude that, everything was dude." "Dude (looks like a lady) came out of that session.