Chorus lead bass tones


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
I know I know, this is my 3rd bass related post today (bet can’t guess what I’m doing today).

Okay so “chorus lead bass tones” is probably a terrible description, I’m talking about the bass sound you hear in little isolated licks like you hear from The Faceless, Necrophargist, Decapitated, etc. Sort of clean sort of chorus.

I have two questions:

1). I’m having difficult getting this sound. If I used too much chorus it sounds out of place. If I roll back the chorus it just sound like clean bass. This makes me think I’m missing something completely. I’m working with Trilian but I assume the FX processing would be the same.

2). When I hear this kind of bass lick on a song it jumps out at you then disappears back into the mix. Does it jump out only because it is isolated (ie little or no other instrument are playing) or is it because it is processed that way? What I mean by that is once the lick is over the bass falls back into the mix, does the bass have the same sound through out the song of do they slap a chorus (or what ever it is) on just for the part then roll it off again?
Have you tried using chorus as a send instead of an insert?

Thanks man. I have now and it makes a big difference. I assume that it is because you have the bass signal with the chorus effect sitting on top as opposed to having a chorused output from the bass insert.