Oh you said you reAMP it, so I figured you were actually reAMPING not just putting a plug on your dry sig.
As I was saying though, it IS an option if you commit your chorus to the recorded DI signal. It's the same exact thing an amp or sim would hear from a chorused guitar if you were to use a pedal. That's how you'll get the chorus to sound the way you want it. Trust me. Part of recording is learning to commit to a sound. Not EVERYTHING needs to be edited later or find new sounds later or this and that later. Find a sound you like, commit to it and let your song breathe that way. Point in case, whoever it was that records Rage Against The Machine and Muse and those cats (I can't think of his name right now) intentionally drives his preamp to the point of saturation when recording vocals. That means that the voice is DISTORTED on tape (or ITB, whatever) That means that vocal take, come hell or high water will have that saturation on it throughout every process. He commits to that sound. If you know you want chorus, commit to the chorus, run the pedal while you DI and then sim your distortion. It's part of recording audio instead of recording just performance and letting software simulate EVERYTHING else.
I mean, are we making music here or are we playing video games with our guitar sound? I feel like if you let everything happen with plugins and simulators and soft-everything, you're playing big-boy video games instead of actually being an audio engineer.
Yea, I would tend to agree with most of what you're saying. I just said reamp as a generic term, sorry about the confusion. Ideally, I would actually reamp through some kickass amp, but like I said earlier, I don't own anything boutique or high-end, so I'm better off with ampsims.
Sometime in the future, I have the dry tracks if somehow I should come into some money or something and own a really nice amp and nice mics and preamp that would make it worth the effort, but until something like that happens, it's softsims for me.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone.