Cool Show



OMG I just saw the coolest show in a while. I went to Yoshis On Wednesday and saw Dave Weckl. The club is very small and intimate. Dave rocked and so did his band. Tom Kennedy on bass who I have seen with Vital Information was awesome as well. I wasn't familiar with the keyboard player or saxophonist.

I have heard Weckl play before when he toured with Steely Dan, but never heard any of his material. He was a monster behind the kit!! He played several new tunes from his new CD that were very cool. If your into jazz fusion I would highly recommend it.

Planet X is playing in December at The Pound in SF. If anyone is going to go drop me an email it would be great to see you guys.

I hope you are all doing well and hope to see you guys doing some gigs soon.

Take care,
Denny, my man! How are you? (For those who don't know, Denny (Azoon) used to be Enchant's sound man) Long time no see. Still in the south bay on Evelyn? We should hook up! The Planet X show seems like a good place; when is it? Let me know and I'll see if I can rouse the other clowns into going as well. :lol:
Are you still at the 1927 #? Email me and let me know so I can call you.

Talk to you soon,

Great to hear from you Benny.

The show sounds like fun and seeing you would be very cool. Count me in. I think a lot of our crazy ass peeps will be there, and maybe a few of the folks that check in here as well. So it has the possibility of being very good one. Is the MKT St Cinama close to the Pound:lol: I am kidding :D Wait I think thats a Sunday night? Oh Well :)

Hey I saw Weckl with Chick Corea and the Electric Band at the hight of there insane period! I have yet to see another drummer do the things that man did. I was actually laughing because it was so amazing it could not have been real! That will always stick with me! I could not believe my eyes and ears.

Hi Guys
I never saw Weckl live but please allow me to suggest you some thing : if you have the opportunity, check out Drummer extraordinaire Simon Phillips (Toto) with his solo Jazz band !

I saw him twice in Paris and they kicked my ass !

Satisfaction Guaranteed ! :OMG:

Ze Dan

Simon is another favorite. I have seen him with Toto here in SF.

I did not see the There and Back tour with Jeff Beck but from what I hear that was simply amazing! He rules as well.

Hey guys does anyone know Tony Royster Jr? :)

I got a video of him a while back and my jaws dropped.
For god's shake he's 12 years old in that video and he's playing what Mike Portnoy will be playing in 10 years from now.

Ok that was a bit too extreme :p but you get the picture

Tony is now 18 or 19, and he won a big-ass jazz player award this year...
He he Tony Royster Jr is the man !
I saw the video you're talking about. In my honest opinion : THIS GUY KICKS MIKE PORTNOY'S @$$E$

At 12 he already had a very tasty playing and mature drumming as well which is quite unusual ! I showed that video to John Macaluso & Tore Ostby when they were in Paris in vacation. John was like : "yeah, go ahead baby,…… yeah, ……yeah,…… YEEAAAAH OH GOD ALMIGHTY HE KICKS ASS !"