Cool site with clips/samples of tons of mics...


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Don't know if this is old news, found it on Gearslutz looking through old threads...

Really cool site that demonstrations TONS of mics on all different kinds of sources, I was using it to check out SDCs for overheads...

Just curious as to how accurate you guys think these clips are at least relative to each other? It seems like all the SDCs I was considering before sound really dull, the only ones that sounded good to me were the AKG 451s and the MXL 603s... The MK012s sound dull as do the Studio Projects C4s, and the ATM450s (which I already have, but haven't had much of a chance to experiment with, but in my limited experience they DO sound duller than the Rode NT5s I had...)

I was pretty set on grabbing a pair of C4s and now I don't know what to do :erk: