Coolest BATTLE scenes


Nordic Worrier
Apr 29, 2003
Odda(shithole), Norway
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Continuing the tradition of "coolest [whatever] scenes" threads.

Fighting and shooting scenes are fine and all, but nothing raises the hairs on my arms like a big, fucking all-out battle. So what's your faves? And let's have something besides LOTR, Braveheart and Saving Private Ryan (good though they are).
Forget everything else if you're looking for authentic hair-raising battle secenes and find THIS one:

SculptedCold said:
The battles from Excalibur have very disturbing atmospheres (as does the entire film)....they're awesome.
Agreed. And though it may not be the best coolest ever, the cbattle at the end of Conan the Barbarian ruled. Two stood against many. Crom!
Heh, I saw that for the first time today! :D I didn't think it was amazing but it's still cool!
i like that really big battle against the orcs in lord of the rings the two towers movie, that was spectacular!
Psychonaut said:
Well, you did ask which one's are the best although the best one to date has yet to be seen and that's going to be Return Of The King.

So true... I almost get a boner thinking what that'll be like.. If the battle of Minas Tirith is even close to the book it's gonna be sweet. That wossname battering ram would be worth the ticket alone.. The battle of the black gate of Mordor could be nice too, although it's smaller.
Luc Besson's "The Messenger" has some great medieval battle sequences.

I always thought "The Thin Red Line" was better than the Hollywood rah-rah of "Saving Private Ryan". Much more emotional battle sequences in the Japanese camps on the hills.

"Patton" also has some phenomenal WW2 battle scenes - as mentioned earlier, like Lawrence of Arabia, these are real HUGE battle sequences with no CGI crap.
The Thin Red Line's battles were quite emotionally satisfying; they were almost scary in a sense....but then again, the majority of the film was drawn-out, boring etc etc ad infinatum/ad nauseum........Saving Private Ryan's battle sequences were revolutionary and extremely shocking. No-one had ever seen war violence cinematically depicted so realistically and violently before that film. When I myself saw it at the cinema the first time, the opening beach scene made me feel physically ill....I was so unprepared for it. Thin Red Line's battles are fairly simply done psychological excersizes.

Braveheart, yeah, braveheart battles were ok. Not nearly as disturbing as the opening skirmish in Gangs of New York though. That was a disgusting battle.