Battle Royale thread!

I came here once in Oct 2001when I linked to the DT site from before I listened to DT, once at the end of 01 for the SM forum, then read often from Jan 2002 sicne I came for the IF forum... at least I was registered on the IF forums back to whoracle era...
And who the fuck is trying to be humorous here?

I'll give you my last words straight. No sarcasm.
I don't like you because you come to our board SOLELY to increase your post count. And you do it in such an obvious and jackass way.
I have NEVER cared about how many posts I've had, how long I've been registered, or what my reputation is. And it just so happens that I can't stand people who do. It gets on my tits when it's done so stridently, like in your case.

So don't ever compare me to you, or call me a hypocrite.

You pissed me of when you attacked me after I pointed this out once.. But perhaps you're right that I've been an asshole. I'm just going to apologize to you and forget this matter. I realize I can easily not pay attention to stuff like this and let things be. And I shall. But don't try to get in a senseless fight with me in our board, over there I assure you, you're the "n00b" And will get more shit from other people than you bargain for.

Oh and I'll tell you what Steve, if you find more than 4 instances in my complete history of posts where I've double posted I will paypal you 50 US Dollars.

@Everyone: Thanks, you guys are alright! And that's one of the reasons I hang around in this forum sometimes. A lot of great people here.
yeah, there's assholes enough around already, so *grouphug* and shake hands. :lol:
hm, i don't like every single one here as well, i guess that's quite normal, but hey, you can deal the facts in a more subtle manner which even makes it funnier :)
and anyways, it's just the net; you simply don't gain anything when fighting other people there.
Hei! Kill yourself and laugh your hatred to thy God *imitates Horna singer*
Grouphug sounds good, though i don´t know why you are arguing (too lazy read earlier posts)
MagSec4 said:
I don't like you because you come to our board SOLELY to increase your post count. And you do it in such an obvious and jackass way.
So you never noticed that I enjoy DT Music? I enjoy commenting and reading people's opinions. I WANT DT TO TOUR IS THE FUCKING US! Even you can't deny that last one.

I have NEVER cared about how many posts I've had, how long I've been registered, or what my reputation is. And it just so happens that I can't stand people who do. It gets on my tits when it's done so stridently, like in your case
It odesn't matter what you think because I have so many more posts than you
Siren said:
I can take you all down!
Come and show me :heh:
@MagSec: But i'm so self confident i dont' need to prove anything to anyone else, so hah! :p
I'm gonna grow some new one. Thanks god the possibilities for doing that are endless :grin:

And next time try metric system. I'm not afraid of that which i don't know. :p