Video Games Thread

Well I'm happy to report that my opinion of Dragon Age 2 is in fact changing for the better. So far I still think that Origins is definitely the better game, but the more I play Dragon Age 2 the more I like it and at least I don't feel like kicking Bioware in the nuts anymore. While I'm on the subject of RPG's, is anyone else here looking forward to The Witcher 2 as much as I am? I'm going to be away when it comes out which sucks and I won't be getting back until somtime in August, but I ordered the collectors edition which comes complete with a mini statue of Geralt's head :Smokedev:. The only game that can even begin to match my anticipation for The Witcher 2 is Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, but unless shit happens I fully expect to be home when that one comes out at least.

edit: Oh yeah, I was thinking of getting Crysis off of Steam. I'm not really that big into shooters but I've heard nothing but good things about it, and I actually have a computer now that can run games like that.
I don't know why, but I've been playing--err well, rather trying to tolerate--Vindictus lately. All I can say is it has nice graphics and nothing else.

It's "free" though, until some points in the game like where a boss cheap shots you to death and you have to pay to be revived or quit the mission and say byebye to any progress you made.

The game is entirely mission based, like with dungeons in that Warcrack thing but most of the time you'll be in extremely laggy groups, which the game will force you to join with its broken battle system and difficulty, and there's little to do while waiting for others to join.

Ah hell, I've already given this abortion too much marketing as it is.
Fuck this piece of shit.
It saddens me to see the state of the forum and the band has reached this point...

So the only game I gave a shit about enough to pre-order is SAINTS ROW: THE THIRD! This one is even more insane and that's not even blowing the dust off the surface before you scratch it. Hell, even the way you get into cars is insane!
Every other game in every other genre can fuck off in comparison. My dwindling interest has restricted me and it sucks. =(

As for the new "Wii U"--"Project Cafe" or "Current" were just too normal for Nintendo obviously--it's certainly interesting to say the least. I won't make a first day purchase of it though until I see some good games.

By the way, anyone watch Achievement Hunter's Rage Quit?
Yeah, its pretty much a ghost town. We need some news to even know if this band is still alive.

I am currently blasting my way through Infamous 2 and enjoying the hell out of it. Its more of exactly the same, but that's not a bad thing at all!
I'm currently playing the fuck out of Morrowind. I'd forgotten how much I love that game!!!!! Now that Canada Post has been forced back to work I sent my mother some money so she could pick up a Nintendo 3DS and The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D for me and mail it (I'm out of the country right now and there is no place around here for me to get those 2 things). Yep, I just bought a $250 handheld for one game. I'm a huge nerd and proud of it!!!
Ok time to spark up this thread some more. A fool's errand but I'm a fool so it works out. :D

Itagaki's opinion on the Wii U, Vita and comments on "Devil's Third" here.
Aaahh... Diablo III... such potential ruined by greed:

Yes Blizzard will (of course) receive a fee for every item sold and bought, and I thought Capcom and Activision were the greediest companies in the world...

This will cause people to think they can make a living from playing this game and selling their shit on the in-game auction house for real money. :err:

Also for those who aren't aware; the game will require you to be constantly online even if you're playing single player, as all characters you create will be saved on Wanna play a nice game when your internet connection fucks up? Well I'd say "Tough shit!" but Blizzard beat me to it by implementing this feature.

This doesn't mean I won't consider buying the game when it comes out in 50 billion years - after all, I'm sure they have Internet access in hell - but any hype I've had for the game is now gone.

When's Nebiru supposed to strike again?