The gaming thread

ahhhh. ok. I don't like playing FPSes multiplayer that much. I did for a long time and now I just find it boring. I greatly prefer games that require strategy, like Civ 4.
the beginning of summer I played 60 hrs of Oblivion, and I haven't touched it since... I used to play WoW, but money/school work made me quit.
I played Oblivion, then I just got bored of the stupid sclaing levels, I might re-install it and download some of the mods. Meh. Actually, in 4 days I'm not gonna be playing any comp games for months.

Supreme Commander
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos
CivCity: Rome
Warhammer: Age of Reckoning (The MMO coming out in 2k7, should be in beta this fall)
I'm missing a few others.

It's gonna be a niiiice fall.
I'm looking forward the Conan MMO and the Warhammer MMO...... man, too many MMOs nowadays, and I hope they won't do the same mistakes blizzard did with WoW (end content being effing boring and forcing hybrids to be healers, morons)
AsModEe said:
I'm looking forward the Conan MMO and the Warhammer MMO...... man, too many MMOs nowadays, and I hope they won't do the same mistakes blizzard did with WoW (end content being effing boring and forcing hybrids to be healers, morons)

Tales of Symphonia is a kickass RPG for Gamecube, and if you haven't played any Metal Gear Solids they kick major ass. I'm playing through Snake Eater again:kickass:
Reign in Acai said:
MVP Baseball 05 on PS2.

Awesome. I've been playing this game a lot lately, nearing the all-star break.

Playing some Tropico, a little Shogun: Total War and Battlefront 2, looking into buying Empire at War and waiting impatiently for another Knights of the Old Republic.
Pyrus said:
Playing WoW again. Might buy the expansion, I'm not sure - the paladins/shamans on both sides thing is kind of a band-aid fix, but MAN O MAN I'D DO SO MUCH FUCKING DAMAGE.
so, that means you're playing a filthy ally?:P Us getting your pallies, we only get buffs :S
I've gotten back into playing some Battlefield 2 lately (mostly for lack of anything new to play). Sadly I haven't seen all that much to look forward to in the near future. I think Okami is coming out soon and that looks cool. Medieval 2: Total War is going to rule but I don't think that's coming out too soon. Hmmmm...Also Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but again, no time soon. :(
AsModEe said:
so, that means you're playing a filthy ally?:P Us getting your pallies, we only get buffs :S
I play both, human rogue and undead warrior. I'm actually more enthused for my warrior, who does pretty impressive DPS while raiding but has the tendency to PULL AGGRO AND DIE HORRIBLY. So take his already crazed windfury-plus-giant-two-hander damage, add in aggro reduction, a 10% stats boost, and about 200 attack power...yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
im at the end of doom 3 and cant beat the cyberdemon. i think ill quit because i dont care; its obviously the end of the game