Video Games Thread

Metroid Other M for me. :)
As for Super Mario Galaxy 2... IGN gave it a 10 so I won't be buying it anytime too soon - their judgment is questionable at best as I recall them giving GTA IV a 10 also...

Oh oh oh and Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, which will supposedly come to XBLA sometime in the future.

Taken from joystiq:
A trusted source has told Joystiq that "Harmony of Despair," the title of a recent European trademark, is indeed a Castlevania game. Our source indicates that the game will be a 2D multiplayer Xbox Live Arcade title, featuring six-player co-op and a versus, fighter-style survival mode.

These details follow a recently-pulled post on never know tech, which purported to showcase screenshots of Harmony of Despair. The site described the game as a "Metroidvania" side-scroller, featuring characters from recent Castlevania games. The characters, however, appeared to be rendered as tiny GBA/DS-esque sprites, and the game camera is apparently capable of being zoomed out to reveal entire levels (presumably in place of a map screen; or to show multiple characters in different rooms).

So it looks like we might be getting the long-awaited 2D "high-definition" Castlevania, after all. Although, "just make the GBA sprites really small on the screen" isn't exactly the technique we were hoping for.
<-- Oh bitch, bitch, bitch. Last time I checked--graphics do not a good video game make.

Also the idea for 6 players online is kinda neat but doesn't affect me at all cause quite frankly, the people on there can chuff off.
I'm in the midst of Assassin's Creed II right now, great stuff. I love the storyline, the Renaissance-era Italian environments, the missions, the gameplay. I dug the first one, but they definitely tweaked the sequel to make up for any shortcomings the original had, namely repetitive recon stuff. The only downside thus far is the terrible DRM, as the game requires a constant internet connection to play, and I'm mostly convinced that's what is causing a lower FPS than I should be getting. And lately it's been taking longer to even start the game due to it trying to connect to the AC server, ridiculous. I understand game companies have to try to protect their IP, but they shouldn't do it at the expense of their actual customers.
So what's everyone been up to? I recently finished Dragon Age:Origins, and am finishing up the expansion Awakenings...really detailed classic-style RPG, it's been fun. Up next will be Fallout New Vegas, and then COD Black Ops, hopefully the price will have come down a bit by then ;) Oh, and the teaser trailer for Mass Effect 3 was just unleashed :kickass:

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I'm in the midst of a lot of games right now

Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions
Call of Duty: Black Ops (6th play through)
Alpha Protocol
Borderlands (Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, & Claptrap's New Robot Revolution) (900000000000000000 playthrough :OMG: - fantastic game!)
Grand Theft Auto 4 - Episodes from Liberty City
Lost Planet 2
Mass Effect 2 (second playthrough)
Dead Space: Extraction Point
and I just finished the solo campaign of James Bond 007- Blood Stone
The Collectors Edition is a sweet package that I pre-ordered a few weeks ago.

You get:

Steel-book collectors edition of Dead Space 2 w/ bonus content & DLC unitology suit and custom force gun
DVD with the Making of Dead Space 2 documentary
CD with The Score of Dead Space 2 & making of feature
Limited edition lithograph of Necromorph transformation concept art by Visceral Games artist Brett Marting
Dead Space 2 "prequel" on PSN and XBox Live Arcade "Dead Space Ignition"


A replica of Issac's plasma cutter from DS2 with trigger activated LEDs
So I got my Fallout: New Vegas some days ago, along with Eminem's Recovery. :D

I gotta say the game didn't touch my special spots until later in... I have Cass as a follower cause my character's fugly and I need her to balance things out. Plus it feels nice to get shitfaced and not suffer repercussions for it.

I've been to "The Thorn" - this game's fight club, and used Boxing Gloves with paralysis stats on them to beat the piss bubbles out of various giant radscorpions and then shoot their arms and stingers off.... Things are going good, and then... after going through the strip or so, the game starts fucking with me. It crashed about 3 times last night and twice this morning. Now, whenever the game pauses briefly to load on the spot, I get a little nervous. I have the PS3 version which I didn't really want but that was all they had. Course I knew the 360 version was buggy as shit too but this one doesn't even have any DLC. Plus it's nice to be able to load saves onto my PS3 hard drive, which the save files are slowly devouring... I have the shitty 40gig module that doesn't want to play PS2 games. FEH!

FEH! :(
Beat Dead Space 2 on Hard in just under 9 hours using the Unitology Suit and a fully upgraded Zealot Force Gun. On my second play through now, just got to the Ishimura using the Advanced Police Riot suit (125 sec/air, 25% armor, 25 inventory slots). I LOVE this game. Its fantastic.

When I picked it up I also pre-ordered Crysis 2: Collectors (Nano) Edition , Bulletstorm and the Mass Effect 3 Collectors Edition. Gonna get the demos for Gears of War 3 with Bulletstorm and Duke Nukem: Forever with Crysis 2. I can't wait!
How's everyone on the DLC front? The latest games I bought were Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, and [Contra meets Blazblue and Guilty Gear] Hard Corps: Uprising.

Although I was one of the few who didn't like River City Ransom and its "buy and hope you get what you need" system from the game's vendors. I haven't seen any mentions on how long you stagger after being hit by an enemy in the game, nearly guaranteeing they'll do a full combo on you while you sit there drooling at the thought of retaliation.
Also the game makes you feel like a pinball at times with all the weapons and shit being tossed all over the screen. I do like the pixel cartoonish graphics though, however I've never read the manga and don't intend to see the movie.

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2... Umm I think this game was only to satisfy the cryfucks who wouldn't stop bitching about the fact you couldn't jump in the first. But hey this works, I just jump all over the place.
Of course there's an achievement rewarded to you if you don't jump even once throughout the entire game. I don't give a shit about achievements though.
As for the maps... they just go all over the place and it's a pain to look for upgrades, also the cheap deaths are out of control, usually as a result of the poor map design. The game desperately needs a function to bind the right stick to a camera for looking around your general area.

Finally Hard Corps: Uprising...





Ok well uhh our vocabulary is far too limited to describe how insanely difficult this game is... My memorization isn't quite up to par to help survive in levels like the highway stage and a certain boss fight where you're climbing up falling debris, suffering the definition of cheap deaths constantly to kill the asshole. But it's a good game though despite all that.
The "Rising" mode has a nice level-up system and I've been playing much longer than I did with Contra 4 (which I gladly rid myself of) as a result of it. Also, you have a life bar yet still lose your current weapon when getting hit. So that's a little frustrating. I haven't tried arcade mode and probably won't. Plus there's a DLC character which reminds me of Zero or Strider that I want to try to level...
My advice, find a good spot for "farming" points, map the shoot function to either of the shoulder buttons and slap an elastic [or in my case, a Wiimote strap] onto the trigger and go grab a bite to eat. :D

Now then, where's my medication... *twitch twitch* ...
I just picked up my signature edition copy of Dragon Age 2 for the PC the other day and so far I'm not very impressed by it. Dragon Age: Origins completely took over my life when it came out but this game is so different from Origins that if it wasn't for the name and the story references to the first one I would have no idea that this was the sequel. I'm hoping my opinion will change by the time I finish it but so far every time I play it I find myself thinking about how much better Origins was.
That's disappointing. I'm planning on getting Dragon Age 2 after I play through Crysis 2...didn't want to get sucked into another epic RPG before I ran through that highly anticipated FPS :) Has anyone else played Crysis and Crysis Warhead? Those were fantastic, and if Crysis 2 lives up to those, it should easily be the shooter of the year.

I recently finished my initial playthrough of Fallout New Vegas...I put in over 100 hours on it, haha. I'm now trying the new DLC Dead Money.