Video Games Thread

Yeah, someone on another board said Far Cry 2 was OK, but barely. I'll definitely check out Bioshock...heard good things about Dead Space as well.

Even though the comparison is a stretch, Dead Space combines the horror and creepiness of games like Silent Hill (not Resident Evil) and FPS. The atmosphere is intense and psychological, but the action is frantic and brutal. One of the best example of combining FPS with other genres in existence, surpassed only by Mass Effect.
I'm actually enjoying Far Cry 2...over halfway through now. My only major complaint is the rediculous enemy respawn rate...but on the plus side, it means more bad guys to kill ;) I used my remaining Best Buy gift card to get Bioshock last week, so that is on tap.

BTW, has anyone played F.E.A.R. 2 yet? The video review on IGN looks pretty good, but I heard some bad reviews elsewhere, though mainly about the DRM used.

And what's up with this Mass Effect 2 trailer...Shepard KIA? Is he a Geth? WTF? :goggly:
Finished playing Killzone 2 recently,amazing graphics.i hoped for a more epic boss battle,though.Great game overall.

Street Fighter 4 is fucking awesome,i'll have to get it for the ps3 since the 360 controller doesn't feel too responsive.
Killzone 2 slays, but very anti-climactic. Just beat Uncharted for the first time a few days ago, got all trasures/skill trophies, I just need to beat the game on hard, then Crushing to nab me some Platinum trophy love. It will be epic. LOVE that game.

Currently playing: Resident Evil 5 (PS3), Fallout 3 (X-Box-360), and Astonishia Story (PSP). Astonishia was met with almost universal hatred, and I can't for the life of me see why. It's beautiful, charming, and has a really cool battle system that is borderline unique. The difficulty spikes a lot, which is a shame since it leads to a lot of grinding, but still, a good game nevertheless.
I errr.... played the "hey lookies at meh! I'm a remake!!! Now gimme your $10, ho!" Turtles in Time: Re-Shelled. Sadly it's based off the arcade version so I wasn't too pleased with that.

The SNES version was far better and the throwing was actually possible without the game tossing dice in the air to decide if I would either stab a foot soldier in the face or slam him repeatedly side to side then stomp on his dick. The running isn't manual meaning you have to run practically to the edge of the screen to charge up for a potential shoulder bash only to have a purple fist come out of nowhere, clock you one to the jaw, sending you stumbling assbackwards underneath a wrecking ball and getting your shit squashed.

Also the traps are all over the place and seem to move directly under your current location so your turtle can shout repeatedly: "Ow my nose, my nose, god dammit my NOSE!", seconds later an enemy will shoot a flaming arrow at you and you get the pleasurable comic of hearing the previous statement--just replace "nose" with "toes".

The music is horrible compared to the SNES version (and even the slightly inferior arcade version). Back to the SNES version; Neon Night-Riders had some good music to chill to while you one-hit bitches that swoop to your current location for the sole purpose of being hit or cheapshot you once, then disappear back to their base or whatever to recieve congragulatory buttslaps from his clan mates.

I don't think a game that was designed to suck you dry of quarters really works as an Xbox Live Arcade title. Cause that's really all there is. After you've played once, that's it. Nothing to unlock aside from a stage select option, and there's a survival mode where eventually 8,000 soldiers will overwhelm you until your turtle shouts "My ass, my ass!!!! Oh sweet Jesus fuck!!!" repeatedly.

Ah well, I understand it's just for nostalgic value, but it's a painful one. I grew up with the original TMNT and loved most games that Konami created in that era (save for the first one). Here's hoping for an eventual release of TMNT 3 on the Virtual Console.

This blows, this blows!!!!
Seeing as how Thorns couldn't resist resurrecting this thread to counter my NGS2 thread (admit it, you just had to, didn't you?! DIDN'T YOU?!! :( :err:), I'm moving my post to here:

"I pre-ordered this fucker and looking forward to getting my shit tossed. I can't list any other game where getting my nuts cut off and sling-shotted up my ass would actually be fun!

I'ma Izuna Drop all up around an ova dis ho, son!"

For those who were in the dark, the game will have adjusted difficulty--adaptive AI which could mean no more spamming the "Flying Swallow" move and having a bunch of detached heads rolling on the floor to show for it, much better camera (plenty of videos to prove that but only playing it can of course provide the most proof), online 2 player co-op, offline co-op also but with just an AI helping out and no local play, 3 additional girls--this is Team Ninja after all :D--more added levels... All that stuffs. Oh and greatly reduced blood which caused an outcry of bitching the world over (yeah, makes total sense and cripples the game beyond playability for me too... *facepalm*)

For the rest of the goods, this is--oddly--their main page where you see the most updates.

Oh and the current release date is September 29. A demo should be coming near the beginning of September too. :Smokin:

Do you play that game with the d-pad or control stick? Both of the controllers I bought with my 360 were nearly unusable from the very beginning. That's why I'd probably buy this game on the PSN if anywhere.
I pretty much always go joystick with fighting games, it just feels more natural to me, but I know some people HATE the joystick, or love the D-PAd but can't deal with the 360's D-pad hah hah. I got it on LIVE because I only have one PS3 controller, and wanted to play with friends hah ahh
Yow thorns... Metal and games do seem to be somewhat symbiotic... :rock:

I am a true World of Warcraft geek. Am leading a raiding guild on Eonar Europe
Besides WoW i play Oblivion, X3Reunion and when i have the time some Need for Speed. On my PSP its usually Tekken. Now i avoid the television, and only turn it on to play some on my PS2 but doesnt happen a lot these days.
Ninja Gaiden ∑2 demo was released last Thursday on the Japanese PSN so I've been playing what it allowed me to. Hard to really say how huge of an improvement it is over it's "beta test" Xbox Ninja Gaiden II but we'll see come release day...

Oh and for those who don't know, it has some... "interesting features" involving the use of the Sixaxis. Those who have played Metal Gear Solid 4 will probably know what I mean right away... :lol::erk:

Just playing ODST non stop. I am also stoked that Bungie got Nathan Fillion, Alan Tyduk and Adam Baldwin (actors in Firefly/Serenity) are the voices a respectable playable character. :OMG:

After Halo: Reach Bungie should make a 'Browncoats' video game or a more RPG esque FPS for the Serenity crew's time period.