Iced Dog
The Stormrider's Pooch
What about RPGs for the PC. I've done Mass Effect, The Witcher, and Oblivion this year...anything I've missed in recent months, or should keep an eye out for in the near future?
What about RPGs for the PC. I've done Mass Effect, The Witcher, and Oblivion this year...anything I've missed in recent months, or should keep an eye out for in the near future?
What about RPGs for the PC. I've done Mass Effect, The Witcher, and Oblivion this year...anything I've missed in recent months, or should keep an eye out for in the near future?
Looks interesting, thanksAnd it just came out yesterday
I hope to pick that game up soon. I liked Oblivion but just got tired of swords and the whole medieval factor, and wished I could have used guns to blow their heads off. I saw one hilarious video where the player had to put a disturbingly huge number of bullets into the guy's head, then it just rolls around after like 25 head shots to the other enemies in the area.
One question though, has this game gone back to Morrowind's bullshit factor of having to practice on countless enemies before you can score a hit within 74 swings/shots?
I'm still going to get it though, I've been looking forward to playing a game where you can blow off someone's arms, legs and dick, then challenge them to a game of checkers.
I got Fallout 3 for Xmas. I had a technical issue when trying to start a new game...the game would freeze and not go anywhere. So after a bit of troubleshooting on the Bethesda forum, I figured it out...had to disable some codecs from a video editing program I have, now it runs like a dream (60fps with the settings maxed out). I'm not far into it (just left the Vault), but it's a damn cool game so far.
Yeah, when I did Oblivion, I was was hell-bent on exploring every cave, fort, and elven ruin, and was barely advancing the storyline...but eventually I got things rolling a bit faster. I finished the main storyline, but still haven't explored and done everything, including the Knights Of The Nine and Shimmering Isles expansions.
What about Bioshock? My bro-in-law recommended it to me, and I know it's very highly regarded amongst the gaming media...and I see a sequel is coming out in late 2009. I might try it when I'm done with Fallout 3 and COD4...also have Far Cry 2 on my horizon, though reviews seem mixed on that one.