Corby Gulity

plattopus said:
So now stupidity is enough to get a guilty verdict and 20 years in prison? It's HER fault because she didn't expect to have drug traffickers plant drugs in her bag? :rolleyes:

This is exactly what i'm taking about! Most Australians think the world is lined with candy and chocolate. If you want to travel into a country like Indonesia that is known for it's harsh laws, then you are taking a higher risk. If you get paid big money to go to Iraq to work, then you know the dangers. Why is this Bali situation any different? Any smart traveller should be aware of the dangers.

Apparently there are 500 other Australians in Indonesian prisons. Why is Corby so special? Who on hell believes what the media says all the time? If she is innocent, then I feel sorry for her, but how can any one of you say for certain she is?
I agree with Chris - even when I travel on a bus I keep my bag locked. It just makes sense! So to go somewhere like bloody BALI and not take precautions (even if the drugs were planted in Sydney) is pure stupidity. Obviously not worth 20 years in jail, but you must always be aware of the risks.

And was it her carry-on bag that had the drugs, or her stowed luggage?
The candy is pretty shit there though. They don't have Minties.

I should be going back to Indonesia at the end of the year. I'll have to make sure I lock my bag. It's hard to be completely secure though when some small pockets only have one zip, and therefore can't be locked.

My next door neighbour in Indonesia (a local) went to jail for six months for smoking dope at his mates' house. Only got out in that time because his (English) wife paid a shitload. He didn't want to talk about his time in the clink once he got out, so I assume it must have been rather horrible.
I'm not the biggest fan of Minties, they're ok I guess.

Also instead of locking your bags, you can now get them shrink-wrapped to prevent tampering. How awesome. I wonder if you can shrink wrap people. Has anyone ever tried smuggling drugs in pets and taking pets over?
Oh and I was watching Media Watch the other night, they raised a good point about the Bali bombings and Corby's sentence, apparently that Bashir guy accused of being the master mind behind it wasn't actually convicted of that, because they had no way to prove it or something, he still got a few years but for what I don't know. But the others like Amrozi who did get convicted all got the death penalty.

So it's not total bullshit. Sort of. Twenty years is still ridiculous, but compared to life imprisonment or the death penalty, it could have been worse.
Kem said:
I wonder if you can shrink wrap people.

I think that there was a thread on SOT2, showing a Japanese (suprised look) fetish of putting girls in those vacuum seal bags and sucking the air out.
Kem said:
I'm not the biggest fan of Minties, they're ok I guess.

Also instead of locking your bags, you can now get them shrink-wrapped to prevent tampering. How awesome. I wonder if you can shrink wrap people. Has anyone ever tried smuggling drugs in pets and taking pets over?

Unless you can train a dog not shit for the 6 months it's in quarintine, it wouldn't work
Ah yes.

You know the more I think about this whole Corby case, the more I start to understand why they gave her 20 years. I bet what's happened is she's gone to pick up her luggage, maybe realised there's something in there that wasn't supposed to be - like 4 kgs of pot in a boogie board which is probably going to make it noticeably heftier - she's gone to customs and shat herself when they ask her to open it up (apparently she refused at first) and whoopsy, hello, there's the wacky tabacky.

And the defence could have been better, they seemed to have relied mostly on circumstantial evidence and the whole 'it doesn't make sense' doesn't make sense she would smuggle drugs, because she was coming to visit relatives, the street value is way higher in Australia, she's not the type, she doesn't have a record, she admitted the bag was hers and so on, which is not evidence at all. What they should have had was fingerprints taken from the bag, security tapes from airports at all stopovers, and the weight records of all her luggage. Without that she was totally screwed. There's no way the judges could have found her innocent with what was presented to them, they probably realise there is enough reasonable doubt which is why they didn't give her the death penalty or life imprisonment, but I bet with the case the defence made she would have got a similar and pretty harsh sentence if it was in an Australian court too.
That Robin Tampon guy or whatever his name is said that they never recived a direct offer of help from the QC's, and that they only heard about it on the radio way after the I dunno what was going on there.

I think the Govt here could have done more early on though. Rather than just try and look like they care towards the end with rushed letters. Especially when they knew of the massive shit going on in the airports here.
I still don't get why we would shell out QC's to fight a case for somebody that you don't know is innocent? They didn't do this before the case. The only reason they would do so is because the media and Australian public have made this girl a saint over the past weeks.

These threats that have recently happened in the past couple of days, are only making things worse. Because of a few peoples actions, we all look like idiots!
Quick scan through this thread.. okay I'm up to speed (I think, I've been drinkin' lotsa beers which is awesome, so I may not be)

Anyway, here's my opinion on the whole matter:

What the fuck does it matter? She is ONE person in the whole world. In the WHOLE world. There are thousands of african kids starving to death every single day that I don't give two shits about. Why would I care if some bird gets 20 years in prison for drug smuggling which she may or may not have done.

I like to put things in perspective.

I also only care about things that affect me. It may be a selfish view, but it keeps me having a good time.
Blitzkrieg said:
I think on CSI or something, once, they talked about smuggling drugs inside horses, and all CSI episodes are based on some type of factual case. Interesting.

Would that mean the dope would have a bit of extra kick after it had been shoved up a horses arse