Core band goes power metal?!


Get this I picked up the new record by Avenged Sevenfold, a core band, to my surprise, they have changed their style. I guess the singer's vocal chords were shot as a result of his screaming & had to do soemthing more melodic.
I just about shit my pants, because of the cahnge in style. They look like one of these modern bands(i.e Atreyu) but now sound like a updated version of Hammerfall?! NU-Power?!
Thats suprising to hear. is it any good? I have heard their other 2 albums and well...lets just say it's not the best music i have ever heard.
I've seen thier new video on HBB and it definitley has some power metal influences in it. Some nice harmony solo's, double bass drumming and even some decent backing vocals. Not quite power metal, but not bad. The singer isn't that great IMO. I don't think I would buy it, but I may check out a few more songs my them.
I know what ya mean about losing there core audience. I know a few kids who were into them and they all said the new album blew ass. I guess that right there should have told me they were getting better. :loco:
Evil? said:
I know what ya mean about losing there core audience. I know a few kids who were into them and they all said the new album blew ass. I guess that right there should have told me they were getting better. :loco:

My friend who owns a record store, used to love 'em until this record...
Now he thinks they suck...
I pointed out that if they were some new band coming out he'd think they were
brilliant, because they have this new spin on old school...
Another band that I think kills is Three Inches of Blood, but they should lose the 2nd singer!
sixxswine said:
Get this I picked up the new record by Avenged Sevenfold, a core band, to my surprise, they have changed their style. I guess the singer's vocal chords were shot as a result of his screaming & had to do soemthing more melodic.
I just about shit my pants, because of the cahnge in style. They look like one of these modern bands(i.e Atreyu) but now sound like a updated version of Hammerfall?! NU-Power?!

:lol: NU-Power hahaha ... I might have to check this out!!! it sounds interesting!
I heard an Avenged Sevenfold song at a party and thought it kicked ass. Liked the hardcore sound, but no so much the vox. So the "dj" tells me they have a new release out......needless to say I played it once and that will be all. It sounds like everything on the radio....heavy then these "melodic" vocals then heavy....anyway WHOEVER WANTS IT P.M. ME AND IT'S YOURS. :Spin:
kittybeast said:
I heard an Avenged Sevenfold song at a party and thought it kicked ass. Liked the hardcore sound, but no so much the vox. So the "dj" tells me they have a new release out......needless to say I played it once and that will be all. It sounds like everything on the radio....heavy then these "melodic" vocals then heavy....anyway WHOEVER WANTS IT P.M. ME AND IT'S YOURS. :Spin:

If nobody else wants it I will take it off your hands :D
I always found their Core stuff to not be that bad at all, as far as Core goes.

The new stuff... the riffage is alright, but the vocals absolutly kill it for me. Utter crap.
sixxswine said:
My friend who owns a record store, used to love 'em until this record...
Now he thinks they suck...
I pointed out that if they were some new band coming out he'd think they were
brilliant, because they have this new spin on old school...
Another band that I think kills is Three Inches of Blood, but they should lose the 2nd singer!
Nah 3IOB is fine the way they are. I think the 2nd vocalist kind of gives them a swedish death metal sound to mix in with their power metal.
Advance And Vanquish is probably one of my favorite newer releases of this
past year.
KMADD said:
Nah 3IOB is fine the way they are. I think the 2nd vocalist kind of gives them a swedish death metal sound to mix in with their power metal.
Advance And Vanquish is probably one of my favorite newer releases of this
past year.

I still need to pick this up!
sixxswine said:
Get this I picked up the new record by Avenged Sevenfold, a core band, to my surprise, they have changed their style. I guess the singer's vocal chords were shot as a result of his screaming & had to do soemthing more melodic.
I just about shit my pants, because of the cahnge in style. They look like one of these modern bands(i.e Atreyu) but now sound like a updated version of Hammerfall?! NU-Power?!

Just got this from Kitty the otherday... NU-Power! is a good term! The Vocals Kinda Suck waaaaaaay to soft and laa laa laa laa but the Music is Fanfuckingtastic its Fast and aggressive and Riffy as hell! so I am still up in the air about it... not sure if I like it but I dont hate it .... its almost like Inflames with all clean Vocals