Can anyone recommend a GOOD power-metal band?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Being that I've recently discovered great bands such as Symphony X, Threshold & Ayreon (which are, I guess, prog metal that borders on power), I'd like to take a stab at the modern power-metal genre.

Way back in the late 90s, when Hammerfall burst onto the scene, I picked up their debut after reading all of the glowing reviews. However, I found it to be boring & dull, lacking in originality & emotion. I know it was "retro", but the songwriting just....lacked.

With that said, are there any bands in this genre that either:
- bring something new to the table?
- write emotional music?

I already expect flowery, silly lyrics, so that's ok. Subject matter will not be an issue.

Please refrain from recommending the aforementioned Hammerfall, as well as Blind Guardian & Rhapsody, as I've heard much of their music and am not impressed.

Ideas & suggestions are appreciated!
The one power-metal band that stands out for me is Kamelot. They don't have that happy, happy, sound of the bands you mentioned.

Reommended albums are "Epica" and "The Fourth Legacy".
Let me know how you like them.
Power-metal can be a very wide variety of bands to different persons...
Some stuff worth a checking out is Tad Morose, Masterplan, Vision Divine, Evergrey, Dreamscape, Jon Oliva's Pain, Silent Force ... All very powerfull bands, but not the "happy-metal" sound of Sonata Arctica, Rhapsody, Stratovarius , etc ...
Yeah, Kamelot is a good power metal band to start with. Also, try Wuthering Heights - Far From a Maddening Crowd. WH brings something new to the table, some of the best folk influences ever used in metal. Some people compare WH to Blind Guardian, but I don't put much faith in that notion. I can't even listen to most BG, but I absolutely adore WH.
((Please note the suggestions below are the opinion of the author and are in no way intended as fact.))

Evergrey is definitely worth a listen. Symphorce is also very good.
SoundMaster said:
Way back in the late 90s, when Hammerfall burst onto the scene, I picked up their debut after reading all of the glowing reviews. However, I found it to be boring & dull, lacking in originality & emotion. I know it was "retro", but the songwriting just....lacked.

AMEN, brother! I was starting to think that me and only 3 or so other people thought this.

Anyway, the best modern Power Metal band I've ever heard is Manticora. I implore you to check out "Hyperion", "Darkness With Tales To Tell", and "8 Deadly Sins."

EDIT: How in the hell is Stormwarrior "modern" Power Metal? They're total Speed, in complete vain of "Walls of Jericho."
I would check out Tad Morose, Brainstorm, and Edguy. These three bands are absolutely amazing to me. Brainstorm is just kick ass power metal with aggression, Soul Temptation is an amazing disc. Tad Morose is an incredible band who when listening to them make you think of Headless Children/Crimson Idol WASP meets Savatage. It is just killer stuff, some of it is pretty dark. Edguy are the happy band in the bunch but can also be very serious. They are humorous but also make great straight foward heavy/power metal. I highly recommend all three.
baldyboy said:
i'm not the biggest purveyor of power metal,but i did enjoy edguy when i saw them last week.very good power metal band.
and thanks to the swine,iced earth do rule above most of my cd collection.
Edguy is a very cool live band :headbang: I enjoyed them when I saw them:D ..... I'd give my left nut to do a show with them playin:loco:
carnut said:
Power-metal can be a very wide variety of bands to different persons...
Some stuff worth a checking out is Tad Morose, Masterplan, Vision Divine, Evergrey, Dreamscape, Jon Oliva's Pain, Silent Force ... All very powerfull bands, but not the "happy-metal" sound of Sonata Arctica, Rhapsody, Stratovarius , etc ...
Exactly. So for me will be basically Blind Guardian but you don't like it so:

Heavens Gate
Cryonic Temple
Angel Dust
Angra (best with Matos)
Avalanch (only the first three)
Manigance (prog/power)
Midnight Sun
Running Wild (the first two for me :D )
Steel Prophet

and some you probably will not like :lol:
JonnyD said:
Yes they are! and a Fanfuckingtastic Live band!!!!!!
Indeed, I was blown away when I saw them at the BWBK 6 Pack Weekend II in Cleveland, Ohio last June. I was right up against the guard rail in fornt of the stage losing my mind. Andy was so shocked that people in America know of and listen and love Brainstorm. It was overwhelming for the band and I am sure the responce was just the same if not better in Atlanta. I have some amazing pictures of him hoping off the stage and singing right into my face. I need to load them online soon and post pictures.