Corniest song title / chorus ever ?


New Metal Member
Mar 27, 2003
For me its 'Be My Druidess' by Type O Negative. Its also gotta be the worst album in my collection.
Anything by DragonForce and similar power metal bands. I can't remember the chorus exactly I have in mind, but its something along the lines of:

"destroying your evil with justice and truth! we ride on together in the sunset!"

Its kind of funny just thinking about it..
I love Pink Floyd, but one of the most ridiculous song titles is their song "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict" from the Album 'UmmaGumma'. What was Roger Waters on when he thought this up!?

"...oh, by the way, which one's Pink?"
The first song off Iced Earth's Something Wicked...was cheese enough to have me dismiss the cd from my player for life.
corniest title? pretty much any given cannibal corpse song. come to think of it, alot of death metal song titles and lyrics are pretty hilarious. :tickled:
How could I forget AC!? :lol:
At least they intentionally promote themselves as a joke. They never intended to be taken seriously. They're just death metal satire.

The ones who are really funny are the bands who actually expect people to buy into this evil, twisted facade they maintain (i.e. cannibal corpse, deicide, etc.) They get a vocalist who sounds like an 80 year old emphysema patient who lost his electronic voice box, get him to sing half-wit lyrics about torture and murder, and think it sounds bad-ass evil! OOOOOOH, SCAAAARY!!! :tickled:
