correct Bed of Razors lyrics?


New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2007
I love the song Bed of Razors, and I know what the lyrics on say, but there's a verse not in those lyrics:
Your arms are red
The autumn fades
Send me home
The autumn is over, so watch out

Does anyone know if that's correct or why it isn't included in the lyrics on the cobhc site?
I love the song Bed of Razors, and I know what the lyrics on say, but there's a verse not in those lyrics:
Your arms are red
The autumn fades
Send me home
The autumn is over, so watch out

Does anyone know if that's correct or why it isn't included in the lyrics on the cobhc site?

seems to be right, except the second line
Could be that Alexi just forgot to include this part when he sent the lyrics to the record company when they needed them for the booklet. Maybe this part was added in the studio in the last minute or so.

There's also a part in You're Better Off Dead without lyrics in the booklet.
Could be that Alexi just forgot to include this part when he sent the lyrics to the record company when they needed them for the booklet. Maybe this part was added in the studio in the last minute or so.

There's also a part in You're Better Off Dead without lyrics in the booklet.

same goes for needled 24/7 and warheart

but now as i'm listening to it a bit more carefully he could also sing:

And once again
The autumn fades
Send me home
The autumn is over, so watch out

well those first 2 lines are hard :)
Darklyrics just shows the interpretation of one person. Who says he is right? You can write every shit and post it at darklyrics and some idiots will believe that Alexi wrote that.

Unless you don't own the original sheets of paper that Alexi used in the studio when he was recording vocals, you can't be sure.
It pisses me off big time that amateurs think darklyrics has the correct lyrics for all COB songs, and they go like hey I'm such a pro I have all the lyrics (which I don't..)