Could anyone recommend me some new stuff please?

Corpus Inferno

New Metal Member
Apr 8, 2009
Hello there,

I'm looking for some new music to listen to. Some bands that I enjoy listening to are;

Anaal Nathrakh, Acid Witch, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Corpus Christii, Veneficium, Jenovavirus, Luci Tristis, Neo Inferno 262, Arkhon Infaustus, Wormed, Cult of Luna, Faustcoven, Gallhammer, Rhapsody

Nobody really matches Rhapsody at what they do, but you could try Luca Turilli's solo albums. They kick ass. First one is pure Rhapsody, as well.
If you like Diablo Swing Orchestra check out Unexpect and Diabolical Masquerade.