Could it be troo?

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005

Producer/composer Paul O'Neill, who co-founded TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA with SAVATAGE mastermind Jon Oliva, told that he and Oliva are working on a Broadway musical called "Gutter Ballet" (also the name of the second record O'Neill did with SAVATAGE) that they hope to get to the stage in the next two years. It's the culmination of a work that O'Neill began in the 1970s. Many of the songs have already had rock versions recorded by SAVATAGE, but will return to their roots for the Broadway show.

"We want to take it back to the original blues, gospel, Motown sound," he said. "For SAVATAGE, you've got to metal it up. Jon and I are kind of psyched to be doing it because Broadway is something we've always wanted to take on."

According to O'Neill, there are also some SAVATAGE projects in the offering, including a best-of compilation, a re-release of the band's last record, "Poets and Madmen", on Atlantic, and possibly a new album.

Read the entire article from
It'll be interesting to see. My question though of all the albums they need remastered, "Poets and Madmen" is probably the last one that actually needs it. We'll see about a new Savatage album. I'd only want it if all the living members were a part of it. If not, it just makes more sense to do more JOP stuff.
Really nothing to get excited about here IMO...I fail to really listen to O'Neil's time frame for anything...after Night Castle "coming out next year" - I imagine it will be 2014 before we see anything.

We've heard the rumors of a Savatage album for their anniversary too - and that turned up to just be talk.

So if it happens - I will be estactic and cheering. However, they have the next several TSO albums written, now they're doing a broadway, then solo projects, still Christmas TSO tours, etc.

Just seems like even if true, the chance we'll hear it - 3%.
My main thing was that Paul said it, I think before it was other members saying maybe a reunion. It was always my understanding that it was Paul's fault mainly that there hasnt been a reunion, or am i wrong here?
I fail to really listen to O'Neil's time frame for anything...after Night Castle "coming out next year" - I imagine it will be 2014 before we see anything.

We've heard the rumors of a Savatage album for their anniversary too - and that turned up to just be talk.

You are absolutley correct here. I put no weight whatsoever when it comes to Paul throwing out any kind of time frame. The man will be late to his own funeral, I'm sure of it!

Yet another thing to jiggle the balls of the few remaining hopeful Savatage fans...I'm sure that most of them post on this board.

I guess us few hopeful Savatage fans will have to remain optimistic won't we? The Legions will always be here even after you're old, gray, and still listening to your black metal shit. :lol:

The new Savatage album is called 'Festival.'

What has Paul touched in the last 10 years that has been worth $10? Your ticket to the TSO show? Fine. But that's it.
The new Savatage album is called 'Festival.'

What has Paul touched in the last 10 years that has been worth $10? Your ticket to the TSO show? Fine. But that's it.

I can't stand people who act like this. Was Jon the heart of Savatage? Yes. Was he all of Savatage? No. Maybe it's because I have talked extensively with Zak, Jeff Plate, and Caffery (even performed Savatage songs with him), but I hate when people think JOP = Savatage, it's unfair to the rest of the people who made that band what it was.
And to be honest, I don't think any of the JOP CDs are really that spectacular. The first one I like a lot, Maniacal was solid, and I thought the last one had a few moments. But nothing that I would put on par with most Savatage records. In my opinion neither Jon or Paul is really an unbelievable writer on their own. The two tend to do their best work together.
In my opinion the best band to form out of the dissolving of Savatage wasn't JOP, it was Circle II Circle. They're the only ones who have really moved on and made great albums. If Jon wants to move on, he should move on. If he wants to make would-be Savatage albums, please, make them as Savatage.
I can't stand people who act like this. Was Jon the heart of Savatage? Yes. Was he all of Savatage? No. Maybe it's because I have talked extensively with Zak, Jeff Plate, and Caffery (even performed Savatage songs with him), but I hate when people think JOP = Savatage, it's unfair to the rest of the people who made that band what it was.
And to be honest, I don't think any of the JOP CDs are really that spectacular. The first one I like a lot, Maniacal was solid, and I thought the last one had a few moments. But nothing that I would put on par with most Savatage records. In my opinion neither Jon or Paul is really an unbelievable writer on their own. The two tend to do their best work together.
In my opinion the best band to form out of the dissolving of Savatage wasn't JOP, it was Circle II Circle. They're the only ones who have really moved on and made great albums. If Jon wants to move on, he should move on. If he wants to make would-be Savatage albums, please, make them as Savatage.

Well maybe you can't stand when Jon says it too. But Jon is honest. Jon said that the first JOP album was what the next Savatage album was going to be. Having seen JOP, I'd say that the people playing the instruments are more than capable to -be- Savatage. Its not an insult to the other persons who have been in the band in some capacity.
I prefer any JOP over the last several Savatage releases.

Oh man...I can't agree with you here. Poets is underappreciatated for whatever reason, but Wake Of Magellan and Dead Winter Dead are masterpieces in my opinion.

In my opinion neither Jon or Paul is really an unbelievable writer on their own. The two tend to do their best work together.

I halfway agree with you here. Both men have written excellent songs on their own in my opinion. With that said, I 100% agree with you that both of them do their best work together.
