Could use some quick opinions...


Nov 18, 2009
Mixing a full length for this local band. I did the drums, they recorded their own guitar, bass and vocals. Guitars were just DI'd, and I have zero time to re-amp anything (have to mix and master 10 songs by sunday), so I'm probably going to have to settle for Pod Farm here. I don't hate the guitars, but I'm not in love with them either. I may try using some impulses depending on what you guys think. Just going with the pod farm cabs right now.

Any criticism appreciated! The low end in my room isn't the greatest so I'd love some feedback on how the bass is sitting as well.

Edit: worked on the guitar, vocals and bass a tad. 2.mp3
Hey man, just gave this a listen on my headphones, my initial gut reaction is the mix itself sounds good, but the bass could do with coming up a tad in the mix, it doesn't sound very present to me, vocals are a little too loud for my taste, they seem to sit on top of the rest of the backing a little too much. Other than that its on the right track. Good work!
Thanks man...I agree. Those are actually the same reactions I had when i popped it in the car...
To be honest with you I felt the drums were too dry. Vocals need better processing, they just seem to pop out too much and the guitars are too weak. My guess is that there is fighting between the guitars and the vocals in the EQ. I would definitely recommend impulses on the guitars. Overall this is a decent start, just try to add more color and tonality to everything. Don't use alot of compression or limiting.