Little Groove(ish) Metal Idea I've been working on


New Metal Member
Mar 31, 2012

Hey guys, I've been lurking around here for a while, figured I might as well join up. This is a little idea i've been kicking around for a while. I like the mix for the most part but it feels like it's missing something.

Guitars are my Guitar Logistics S906 Helios into revalver with God's Cab impulses. The bass is a cheap samick p-bass I've been borrowing from a friend, DI'd and blended with a little pod farm distortion. Drums are all S2.0 blended with another kick sample.

I'd really love to hear some feedback on this mix. I want to know how I can improve!

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Pretty cool. The intro shift between left and right sounds odd, don't know if you did it in a whole take and just moved the panning. If that's correct I'd just do 2 takes instead of 1 as the transition will sound smoother that way.

The snare has too much of that machine gun effect, I'd try to work on the velocities.
Yeah that was one take. I'll try doing two and maybe pan them less harshly.