Haven't been here for a long time - need help with a death metal mix

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009

I haven't posted here in a while. I've been busy with a whole bunch of other crap and sort of took a break from music for a month or two. I've only just found the energy to start preparing to record an album for my band and I'd appreciate some pointers on this mix.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1044020/Tribs test 2.mp3

As usual I used my recto with Recabinet impulses. Drums are mostly S2.0 Avatar but the kick is TMF.

Any thoughts? I think I'm getting into the sort of territory I want to be but my ears are tired and i'm not sure if there is anything that needs fixing desperately (besides making the bass sound more consistent and providing a better bass performance).

Any help is appreciated. Thanks. :)