I am totally bummed out that I won't be able to make it out there to hear you guys. Wish there was some way for us Enchantheads to hear the show that can't make it out to Cali. Maybe sell it as a cheap bootleg CD????
Keith, glad to hear everything is ok
I haven't chimed in here recently, b/c I have been have going through a tough time. Don't mean to put a damper on things, but I guess I'll let you know. My wife was 8.5 months pregnant (34wks or so), and one day she woke up and could not feel the baby. Normally its nothing, but it was the previous nite when she last felt him. We went to hospital, and a long story short, the docs did the usually sonagram but it was plain as day that there was no movement and no heartbeat. Our hearts were crushed. She had to go through the 14hrs of labor to deliver the stillborn. Once the docs, delivered Ben, our son, unfortunately they could not determine a cause, like the cord being wrapped around his neck, etc. Again, long story short, we buried our son (wow that was heartbreaking) and right now we are still in the healing process. We lived with my parents and my sis for 2 months just be around people and get our minds off things. When we moved back home, it was too emotional. I just fixed up one of the rooms to be the baby's nusery that was right next to our bedroom. That was a bitter constant reminder of what could have been with our happy new son. We never really liked the townhouse too much, so that was the icing on the cake to make us move. Anyways we moved into a new house this year to start anew. Unfortunately that makes us house poor, and those jaunts out to Cali to see my favorite band had to take a backseat. Oh well.
Have a great time everyone. And Ed, Ted, Doug, Bill, & Sean kick some serious ass.