Marcel, that was Leggie's bed! A few seconds after she leapt on top and started to beat up both K and K :D

Kenneth, we won't get lost! But just in case maybe you should bring some clothes suitable for a weekend in southern Spain...
For some reason I have a lot of music that features "three" lyrics. It's mostly pop or oldies, but I'm trying to be as on-theme as possible :D

AHHHHH! PANIC! ONLY 30 HOURS TO PREPARE!!! We went shopping last night for travel snacks, supper food and BEvERages. Tonight is laundry night...

And on Friday we have to leave for the bus stop at 6am (UGH) so you'll be in Geneva for about 12 hours :p
12 hours should be enough to see geneve and get raped in some alley?

That can be arranged - although perhaps we'll let you get raped in France. Or maybe at CERN, but there are so many long haired boys that I suspect there is no market for new victims :p

will we dine on canadian style trailerpark cheeseburgers tomorrow? :kickass:

:lol: Or maybe chicken fajitas since we can get almost authentic Canadian trailerpark cheeseburgers at the venue! In fact, you guys are cooking supper while I'm at my lesson :saint:
2 years ago, during first time in Holland we ordered "beers" and got those small glasses (what the hell..). That thought us quickly to oreder LARGE beers :)
Those pictures make Mattias kinda look like the alcoholic scandinavian he denies to be :p

We can arrange for you to get raped in dutch pastures, ditches and castles too Kenneth, if you won't get enough in Geneva, France or at CERN :p