Country Rock Mixes


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Hey, here are the bedroom recordings of my latest project:

my internet is down, but i am RIGHT NOW (2:40pm est) uploading the final mixes, the bass and vocals needed up a bit on the ones there now.

let me know how this shit sounds on your jank, i haven't really been able to test it much anywhere.
All of the instruments sound OK to me man - but the snare is a bit too out in front and has a bit too much high mids I think, and the kick needs to be brought out more I think. Personal taste of course, but that stuck out at me and thought I would mention.

I would sample replace the snare, and bring the kick up a little.

Also, the vocals could stand to be tuned - there are some parts where the singer is out of key, which can be fixed.

Othersie, I thought it sounded good. Not my cup of tea, but I am definitely a fan of sleeveless shirts, beers, and womenz in mini-skirts! ;)
thanks for the critique.
i tried to get this done as fast as i could while my mom was out of town for a week, unfortunately that only resulted in two sessions. after getting the drums done, i realized that i didn't use anything to muffle the snare, so there was a ton of ringy shit, it was hard to work with, but i'm not a sample kind of guy.

on the kick, i used a d6 and tried to keep from sounding too 'aggressive', which it already kind of was, but it seemed kick was pretty low in most modern country/nashville pop recordings.

haet autotune.