Couple new mixes!

I agree with Emd, Cool song, bot thirty seconds in, we get this choppy guitar part that doesn't add too the song. Also, you said live drums, but did you record the live high-hats seperatly? it doesn't sound "glued" to ther rest of the drum mix
I agree with Emd, Cool song, bot thirty seconds in, we get this choppy guitar part that doesn't add too the song. Also, you said live drums, but did you record the live high-hats seperatly? it doesn't sound "glued" to ther rest of the drum mix

ooohhHHH you're talking about the original song I posted on here?! haha.

Yes, I agree. It's awkward. We're actually re tracking that part. I though you guys were talking about the most recent thing I JUST posted.