Couple of newb questions about Logic Pro 9...


Mediocre metal maker
Dec 18, 2010
Suffolk, United Kingdom
So for the course I'm currently doing, it's recommended that we switch from whatever DAW we are currently using to Logic. I've used Logic before, but I've always had a couple of things I'd wanted to ask.

Firstly, on the panning controls, instead of 100% L or 100% right, it has values which go up to 63 or 64 - what do these mean?

Secondly, sometimes when I try to trim the edges off an audio file, it'll miss the grid by a few frames and won't snap onto it like my previous DAW. Sometimes it does, but sometimes it doesn't and this makes it a bit annoying to loop things as they'll eventually go out of time. I've just been using the scissor tool for the moment but I think it would save me some time if there was a way to permanently make the trim option trim to the grid.

Also, when you create a new project, will you always have to adjust the project settings to what you want to do, or is there a way to set up project settings as default settings? I tend to not use pre roll and things would move faster if I didn't have to constantly change the settings.


I appreciate these may be pretty noobish q's.
As far as opening a project and having it revert to your personal settings, all you have to do is make a project and alter all of the settings the way you like, and then go to file > save as template, and then every time you want to make a new project just open the template. As far as the other stuff, heh. I was sort of wondering about the track snapping myself as it's a pretty common annoyance. Not really sure why it happens to be honest, but it does. Usually all you have to do is zoom in enough and you'll be able to get the marker right on the grid, but there's got to be a better way of doing this. Pan numbers don't matter really, I think it has to do with a dB scale as opposed to a percent scale is all. Doesn't affect the way that it works.
Snap is that way only in "smart" mode. Switch to what you want on the top right of the arrange window.

Panning is the same like with any other daw but the 63-64 is from the old midi times. But you know dont mix with your eyes mix with your ears