Cover Artworks


Mar 10, 2012
What are your thoughts on every cover artwork and what you link up with? Places, songs, memories?

Something Wild: It gives me some kind of shivers this artwork while listening Deadnight W. It's the desert where you travel while listening the album entire, you don't know exactly what come rise up in the journey, like the songs, they're just weird.

Hatebreeder: Just at the title is, I see hate, angryness. Toxicity is the word. The Reaper show you a world of passion, power, angryness, all combined with the death, clearly the Reaper. While listening to this album, all the songs remember me the green of the cover.

Follow The Reaper: To me, this and RRF cover are the most significant. It gives me atmosphere, just that. That blue and mist yet simple is magnificent. Songs like FTR, BAM, COD, EID and NC plus the keys of MOS and TOMS remember the lake of the artwork (well, almost the entire album).

Hate Crew Deathroll: It's like saying "hey, bazinga!", isn't it? The color is less important here, only showing again energy, but the Reaper take a rol more important, showing what can you expect. In FTR you can know by the artwork what can you expect, here is by the Reaper.

ARE YOU DEAD YET?: I just like it, but doesn't give me any feelings, just the feeling of been awake on nowhere by the Reaper, but in the songs you don't feel the conection, I see gray in the songs, I dunno what means.

Blooddrunk: It's cool, the blood and shit but at the end, I don't see any connection in the songs like in AYDY? One of the worst w/out any doubt.

Relentless Reckless Forever: As a fan of the autumm I must say that I love this cover, with the tree, the city, the corpses, etc. Despite this, again I don't see the conection in the songs with that artwork... Northpole T. is about the fucking North Pole, and in the cover you have a city and a tree, did you guys think in that?

I know is so much shit to read, but I see the forum as dead lately.
Something Wild:
As the name itself, it says there's something different, something unique, the music. The name clearly resembles the songs since they have an unique vive. The cover shows this reaper with a special positions in its hand. I see the reaper with 2 perspectives: He's inviting you to listen something totally different. Or he's demonstrating you what it's capable of (reaper == bodom). Something interesting is the color: red, white and black. The red symbolizes anger or agression, like the songs. The interesting thing is the black and white. Both colors are in the sky, but in opposing positions. Black and white could resemble an acceptance or rejection of the album, since it's new and kind of experimental. Not a common album. No words for the desert.

Whenever I see the sky in the cover, I remember of Aurora Borealis. This makes me think there's gonna be something mystical, special, and beautiful. But at the same time, you can see there's a lot of wind due to the trees in a special position. This again, resembles aggressiveness, as the title itself. The position of the reaper is pretty neutral, not attacking or something else. The reaper is showing you the lake, trees,etc. This means it's showing you the world and how bad thing happens, how everything is unfair. I can relate this with some of the lyrics since they are kind of existentialist.

Follow the reaper:
Blue is usually a calm color. But in this case, it isn't since FTR contains a lot of fast riffs/solos and agressiveness. Anyways, you can see 5 gravestones with nothing written. The position of the reaper is calm as always. The right hand of the reaper is grabbing firmly the scythe, but the left hand is in a position that shows power. The way I relate this is that with the past 2 albums, Bodom can still make awesome songs with awesome melodies. Here I can say they achieved the highest 'level' in composition (IMO). Sadly, I can't say something else about this cover.

Hate Crew Deathroll:
I don't really like this artwork, but well. One important thing is that the reaper changed it's mood to agressiveness. This means heavy riffs and agressive lyrics. This is pretty intriguing since the first 3 albums have a calm reaper. There's a huge change in the mood and vive of the songs, but what clearly remains is the Bodom unique style. There aren't a lot of elements I can think of, so it's all for this. Change, heavy and agressive.

Are you dead yet:
Simple artwork. The fist of the reaper symbolize a strike in the face to all tr00 bodom fans. Nah, just kidding. But well, the position of the reapers resemble a solid state of the music the band is making. Unlike SW, that invites the people to listen, here the reaper states in a superior position.

The position of the blood clearly talks for itself. Whatever the reaper killed it's gone. It's in the past. You can also see how the reaper is smiling. I can relate this with the personal life of A. Laiho, since he had a lot of problems. I'd like to think the reaper resembles A. Laiho and his status after writing the album. Angry lyrics and angry music. After all that, the reaper's finally achieved absolute happiness. This is more like a guilty pleasure (IMO), but well, who knows.

Relentless reckless forever:
You can see in the tree some dead people. BD's blood could resemble the first victim, and since it was such a great pleasure to kill, the reaper wants more and more. Seeking for power and happiness its the main objective of the reaper nowadays, unlike HB that showed the a perspective of the world. Since HCDR, the reaper's has been constantly attacking or staying in a superior state. In a lot of books, obsession with power usually ends with a bad results. Let's see what's the direction of the reaper in the next album, maybe it turns to a calm one or to an agressive one.


Yes, I know it's a lot of shit haha!

EDIT: I didn't write a lot about the songs, I just wrote things about artwork and the band.
Something Wild:

I know this is just bs but the way I envision this artwork is it's an introduction to the Lake Bodom "mythology". The aesthetic environment is dry and avid of life, while the Reaper is inviting you to join him at Lake Bodom... it leaves a lot of room for imagination, but it's a tempting invitation to check out this music and find out what fresh lies hidden in it.


This takes you at the heart of the entire mythology, at the murder scene of Lake Bodom. It's sort of telling tales of lost individuals who fell for death's temptation at the lake. It's like Skandinavian setting for the Reaper with the unholy lake. Basically the whole series of artwork is like Roy's traveling photobook, but the sad thing is the green and blue album are the only ones from the lake... the ones after have nothing to do with Bodom.

Follow the Reaper:

This artwork demonstrates the Lake as a final resting place, and reveals what happens when you follow the Reaper in your hopelessness and search for consolidation. Yet it's an interesting art telling your soul is captured by the Lake but you're thus entering a life after death. Normally it would appear distressing, but to a depressed person the view appears very comforting like a sanctuary.

Hate Crew Deathroll:

This expresses the band's intentions to conquer more mainstream markets. A let down after the first three. It reflects a heavier but less serious attitude. It's rock'n'roll with a taste of rusting iron scythe.

Trashed, Lost & Strungout:

This artwork is as if thru the eyes of a bum having passed out in bad condition next to a railway with his scarce belongings, while he still has the strength to open his eyes he sees the figure of the Reaper coming to take him away in heavy rain...

Are You Dead Yet?

This is quite similar to the Trashed idea, only it's more focused on the self-destruction aspect, which occurs to depressed people while searching for themselves and their limits in unhealthy ways. Only this time you're passed out in a dark bathroom floor.


This is about the beastly alcohol-addiction being released inside you, causing you troubles, this time of more emotional and social sort.

Relentless Reckless Forever:

This one is throwing elements from the actual Bodom murder scene into the art. The tent, the murder weapon, the bodies under the trees are all present, only disquised cleverly into something else - I believe it has a sub-conscious purpose to link this to the actual murders. Not really related to the music of the album too much.
What's pretty damn cool about the Hatebreeder cover is it looks as though the reaper is pointing to somewhere which we cannot see until death. Maybe somewhere that we're all subconsciously aware of, but the mind's defenses has built up fears to ignore what's beyond. At least until we burn those bridges down, or DIE!