[COVER] Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache

Man, this could be THE most-covered song, at least on this forum :erk: Oh well...anyway, it's not bad dude, though the guitars are very scratchy sounding on the palm mutes (though that could be picking technique, at least in part, because they don't sound bad on the chords; make sure you're not scratching the strings too much by picking on an angle, I've been learning that the hard way recently!), the arpeggiated lead part is a bit too middy and kinda bloated sounding, and the kick could do with a lot of lower mids/mud sucked out of it, it sounds very poofy. Also, the bass is a bit too loud and a tad muddy. Has potential though!

But seriously people - ENOUGH WITH THIS FREAKIN' SONG :loco:
I think the mix would sound better if you used a clipper on the snare (I guess you didn't), it sounds a bit compressed right now.

Otherwise good cover!

But seriously people - ENOUGH WITH THIS FREAKIN' SONG :loco:

Hehe, then one more ain't gonna hurt.