Cradle of Filth sucks huge squirrel-balls

CoF bashing/loving aside, there's one thing you all have to agree on...Dani is an amazing lyricist. The guy's a fucking wordsmith!

I agree. He is a very intelligent person. I think he has like 2 masters in literature. His older lyrics were actually pretty poetic.
He's still a cum guzzler though.

By the way, my best friend has 3 kids. His 2 year old is very quiet and well behaved, but not in that creepy way. Note that 2 year olds often go through the "terrible 2's". That's because when his kids don't behave, he disciplines them (not his youngest though since she's only 6 months old). If they start to act up, he looks at them sternly and they behave.
Nirvana DOES suck ^_^

Then a person without an opinion in good music I may be in your eyes.

Don't change the fact that they suck.

Well, there we go.

Please EVERYONE NOTE: I said "appreciate"
I don't make anyone like anything. Everything in the world is a matter of taste, and you guys should not LIKE anything.
Appreciation, however, comes from knowledge, background etc.
Some poeple hate Piccaso's art, but NO ONE can deny his contribution to the art world... with that being said: I don't think Cradle contributed anything to music, but there is a reason why their music and art is being taught in high education schools.
oh nd yeah: Dani ruined the music.
He was good at first, but then he created a "Formula" and thats why they went down hill for me.

As far as his lyrics go: the man is VERY educated.
I know someone who writes better lyrics IMO *wink wink as I made a nevermore related comment!!!!*
I was at a restaurant at about 11PM one night, and there was a large Mexican family ( there any other kind of Mexican family?) a few tables over from us. They had about 5 kids in their party, one about 5 years old pushing a baby around in a stroller AROUND THE RESTAURANT screaming at the top of their lungs. The parents weren't paying a fucking bit of attention to them, and the other ones were slinging fries and ketchup and milkshakes all of the chairs and the floor. Then the little fuckers ran over to a gumball machine by the front door and attempted to pull it over onto their heads. The manager spotted them and said "hey! you'll hurt yourselves, don't do that!". Then big daddy ran up to the front and started yelling at the manager calling him a fucking asshole and how dare he yell at his babies. It escalated to the point of the manager threatening to call the cops. The family finally left and their tables were COVERED in food, trash, milkshakes ...and they left no tip.

Some people should be sterilized against their will.
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By the way, my best friend has 3 kids. His 2 year old is very quiet and well behaved, but not in that creepy way. Note that 2 year olds often go through the "terrible 2's". That's because when his kids don't behave, he disciplines them (not his youngest though since she's only 6 months old). If they start to act up, he looks at them sternly and they behave.

See? What's so hard about that? Why can't most parents understand that? We're not saying beat the shit outta yer kids...JUST FUCKING DISCIPLINE THEM!!!
Then big daddy ran up to the front and started yelling at the manager calling him a fucking asshole and how dare he yell at his babies. It escalated to the point of the manager threatening to call the cops. The family finally left and their tables were COVERED in food, trash, milkshakes ...and they left no tip.

Hey mang, dohn choo talk about my kids dat way, ese. I'll bust a cap in your ass, homes.

I hate people like that
I was at a restaurant at about 11PM one night, and there was a large Mexican family ( there any other kind of Mexican family?) a few tables over from us. They had about 5 kids in their party, one about 5 years old pushing a baby around in a stroller AROUND THE RESTAURANT screaming at the top of their lungs. The parents weren't paying a fucking bit of attention to them, and the other ones were slinging fries and ketchup and milkshakes all of the chairs and the floor. Then the little fuckers ran over to a gumball machine by the front door and attempted to pull it over onto their heads. The manager spotted them and said "hey! you'll hurt yourselves, don't do that!". Then big daddy ran up to the front and started yelling at the manager calling him a fucking asshole and how dare he yell at his babies. It escalated to the point of the manager threatening to call the cops. The family finally left and their tables were COVERED in food, trash, milkshakes ...and they left no tip.

Some people should be sterilized against their will.

I would've asked for his greencard, and if he didn't show it to me I woulda told him he's got two fucking seconds to pull it out or else his kids are gonna be making me some tennis shoes.
Samantha, I can't believe this!!! :hypno:
makes me sick.
people who are not polite make me sick.

It's the same stupid fucks that bring their brood to Wal-Mart. I refuse to go to Wal-Mart, and this is the main reason. They let them run loose and open up shit, break it, and scream without disciplining them. I know kids are brats but the parents need to PARENT their little shits and not just pop them out as fast as they can and get on WIC and food stamps.
It's the same stupid fucks that bring their brood to Wal-Mart. I refuse to go to Wal-Mart, and this is the main reason. They let them run loose and open up shit, break it, and scream without disciplining them. I know kids are brats but the parents need to PARENT their little shits and not just pop them out as fast as they can and get on WIC and food stamps.

:kickass: :notworthy
See? What's so hard about that? Why can't most parents understand that? We're not saying beat the shit outta yer kids...JUST FUCKING DISCIPLINE THEM!!!

And it literally takes NO time what so ever. I've been to households where parents do shit, basically "please be quiet, shhhh" for an hour until the kid gets tired. But then they get older and have more energy!
But when my friend disciplines his kids, he just slaps them on the hand and they are quiet. Takes no time and lasts for a long time. That seems more convenient actually.
Well if you let me rip with belches I'll promise not to compliment the food from the other end at the table.