Cradle of Filth sucks huge squirrel-balls

MMMMMM...DENNY'S. Denny's is the best at 4 in the morning after you've been to a show. Moons over my Hammy. Too bad there isn't one in Italy because there's nothing open all night in Italy.
Here, here!

:lol: My old man always told me manners cost nothing. Half my memories as a kid are of him smacking me with a belt for not respecting women, etc etc.

I'm actually glad he did. My dads insistence on being a respectful man made me who I am today. Plus, I feel better being rude in my own company anyways. Then I can wallow in my rudeness and enjoy it! :lol:
EEEEW!!!! what is wrong with you? You live in ITALY!
why do you even think about JUNK worthless poo like Denny's?! :lol:

My dear, at 4 in the morning, people are just as drunk and hungry here as they are in America. Only here we have only the Autogrill on the autostrada, and if you're not close to the autostrada, yer fuct. However, sometimes there are some panino stands that made AWESOME greasy, heavy shit late at night after hours. Sausage with grilled peppers and onions on a bun with mayo and ketchup. Ho-ly shit. Sometimes you just can't wait to drive all the way home for something to eat.

But I should say that if we are at concert festivals longer than a day, we always bring our own pasta and stuff, :)
:lol: My old man always told me manners cost nothing. Half my memories as a kid are of him smacking me with a belt for not respecting women, etc etc.

I'm actually glad he did. My dads insistence on being a respectful man made me who I am today. Plus, I feel better being rude in my own company anyways. Then I can wallow in my rudeness and enjoy it! :lol:

My dad used to get after me with the fly swatter. I swear, sometimes it was like the car scene in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas where he spills all the coke and Hunter S. Thompson just goes nuts and starts wailing on his lawyer with the fly swatter. I was always shy as a child and every other parent wanted to adopt me because I was so sweet and nice, :Saint: things have changed....
I think Nirvana and Cradle suck,but it happens that I like Dimmu,the later albums and not the early sounds very metal,if I could say so,at least for me.
Demon Burger :D

Heh, do you really believe that?
I love Dimmu. Even if you were making fun of them, better that you put on a really good band than Cradle

Not really so much, but I try to think that. Besides, the only time when an Emperor album could even come close to being mistaken for Cradle is Nightside, and that's only because people might think that Dani actually had a good shriek at one point.

I think Nirvana and Cradle suck,but it happens that I like Dimmu,the later albums and not the early sounds very metal,if I could say so,at least for me.

I love the older albums, but newer albums do have a very thrash metal sound. Sort of reminds me of a more extreme Sodom. Immortal is like that too in my ears.