Cradle of Filth sucks huge squirrel-balls

bah, they came to the big festival we have in gothenburg every year, and Dani was only whining about how much Sven Goran sucked. Basically just saying fuck off to the crowd. it was pretty funny how the crowd reacted on that.
The cover of Hallowed Be Thy Name frustrates me, and theres a chick at my school who looks exactly like Dani Filth, so no, I wouldnt say I liked them.
My dear, at 4 in the morning, people are just as drunk and hungry here as they are in America. Only here we have only the Autogrill on the autostrada, and if you're not close to the autostrada, yer fuct. However, sometimes there are some panino stands that made AWESOME greasy, heavy shit late at night after hours. Sausage with grilled peppers and onions on a bun with mayo and ketchup. Ho-ly shit. Sometimes you just can't wait to drive all the way home for something to eat.

But I should say that if we are at concert festivals longer than a day, we always bring our own pasta and stuff, :)

yeah I guess in 4 in the morning everything goes .... haha
You're right, in Europe there are no Denny's.
In Holland we had shwarma and in Israel some burger joint.
I guess I forgot what its like to be HUNGRY and drunk in 4 am hahaha

whats White Castle? I don't think we have it here.
White Castle is the square burger hell common to the midwest. I know they have at least couple (or once did) on the east cost. You'd hate them, Karen. So recall In N Out which is of the good. And do not think upon the WHite Castle.
Oh, I have no doubt someone will (or has) attempt(ed) such... but if I find it, destruction.

And spicy tuna, another favorite. You are the perfect woman, Karen.

You own Sadistic Intent. *cough* I so envy you.
I've been to a white Castle before. I don't even think I could ever get drunk enough to think that shit was good enough to be called digusting. It is one of the most vile, sickening things I have ever paid for. I couldn't even eat any of it. I took one bite and just spit it out.

I had sushi this morning. I can get to like a billion places for sushi all within a 10 minute walk. I love my morning spicy tuna and sashimi platter:)

But not to stray too far off topic, anyone think that Dani looks like the quintessential drag queen? Every drag queen I have ever seen looks almost exactly like him.